Okie Dokie fabulous readers…hope you had a fab weekend!  I did!  I am feeling a bit droopy right now though…went out for margaritas and blogging just ain’t feeling the same as it usually does:)

This weeks cards were picked from the The Housewives Tarot: A Domestic Divination Kit with Deck and Instruction Book.

For this week three cards came flying out of the deck. This can be interpreted as:
"past, present and future"
or as
"What you have just completed, what you are sitting in… in the present, and what you are moving towards"
…whatever your little heart desires:)

So…without further ado~

Challenges * Trials * Upcoming Ordeals

"Getting right to the point, the Ace of Swords warns of an upcoming ordeal that will test your "metal." A slice of gumption with a dollop of common sense will get you through whatever trial comes your way.  Your mind is sharp and ready for a challenge, so don’t be afraid to take on those who try to cut you out of the picture."

Now for the present:)

Competition * Struggle * Inner Strength

"Growth and progress five way to inevitable conflict.  The Five of Wands depicts a weary housewife besieged by household appliances.  These domestic assailants seek to overwhelm her just when things were going her way.  You may need to reach deep inside yourself to discover what it is that makes you stand out.  Which secret weapon will leave your competition in the dust."

And now for the energy that is moving in…

Retreat * Revitalize * Reinvent

"Times have been rough.  Your outlook is wrinkled and your spirit is sagging.  The Four of Swords is a sign that it’s time to retreat and reinvent yourself before you are fit to be seen in public again.  try ex foliating your frown, moisturizing your morale, and rejuvenation with some relaxation.  Give your attitude and overall face-lift.  With proper pampering, you’ll emerge revitalized–friends will be dazzled by the "new you."

Yikes!  Lots of cards with sharp pointy edges…lots of swords and a wand!  Hmmmmmm~ 

Well, I have my own personal interpretation of what this means to me…

Howz about you?

Feel like sharing?

I am not in the mood….I think two margaritas is too much for me these days…I have become a lightweight!  So, I think that it is time to go watch "Desperate Housewives" and see who is sleeping with whom…and who else might be down in someones freezer…or who’s body might be in someone’s trunk!

Bye for now….

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