Istock_000000164248smallHello fabulous folks!
Well, my vertigo is lessening each and every day.  I was even able to go on a walk today…though Mike said that I looked like I had been drinking! I was swaying a bit!   Hopefully, tomorrow will be even better!

So, without further ado…this weeks card was pulled from Meredith Young-Sowers "Angelic Messenger Cards."


Present Challenge:  Making decisions that reflect reverence for yourself and all other life.

"You have drawn this card to help you appreciate the difference between making choices from the perspective of your spirit, your inner mind and being, and making them according to the needs posed by your analytical or outer mind.  The calmness and serenity of your life may be obscured by the continual demands made by your outer mind as it seeks to have its needs and desires filled.

You’ve drawn this important card of Rejuvenation to alert you to the need for greater calmness and inner peace.  Although you may work hard at accomplishing the goals you have chosen, in order to find lasting satisfaction you are being called upon to consider the intentions with which you make decisions.  You are being guided to consider yourself as part of a vast network of like and responsible for its well-being as well as your own."

Angelic Message:  Choice

"Making a choice would seem to be a simple matter.  And so it is when a life-support balance is struck between spiritual freedom and Earth-School responsibility.  Spiritual freedom is the inner aspect of choice that urges you to live as part of an all-encompassing and whole planetary system.  Your spirit understands that all choices must replenish your physical system and the entire ecosystem.  You are learning to consider your spirit’s perspective so that you can accept greater responsibility for encouraging the restoration of your physical environment.

Nature has no favorites; it loves the frog and the fish equally; it supports the bird and dog in the same ways.  And so Nature cares no more for you than for the butterfly or the mountain lion or for the person far away on the other side of your planet.  Just as the Creator seeks to perpetuate the physical and nonphysical systems of life, so too is Nature concerned with the whole system of life on Earth.

You and we, your angelic teachers, are each essential parts of the system, neither more nor less.  And so each living thing must learn to responsibly exercise its right to draw from the resources of the largest systems of life, accepting that it will need to give back to the Earth and to the Creator.  Every living thing ultimately relinquishes its form in order to nourish a larger, everlasting system."

Spiritual Opportunity

"The guidance coming to you is to fully appreciate your choices as extensions of your spirituality.  Symbolically, you can see that you can make choices from either a spiritual perspective or a rational and perhaps self-centered perspective.  You are guided to realize that each choice you make can help you live in balance with Nature by accepting responsibility for you choices.

When making a choice, it isn’t just which option you choose, it is the quality, intention, and commitment from with you chide that course of action that tells you whether or not your spirit is engaged in the decision.  As human beings you are not asked, for example, to choose between wealth and poverty but to choose fair exchange from the system for providing necessary and meaningful service.  You are not asked to choose between celibacy and sexuality but to create relationships that support mutual giving and receiving of love.  You are not asked to choose between eco-spirituality and eco-destruction but rather to establish an honorable means of balancing all needs for life.

This important card has been drawn because you re in need of making choices that more consistently reflect a reverence for yourself and all other life."

APPLICATION:  Watch the criteria you tell yourself are important in making choices.  When facing a choice, even a small one, first take a deep breath.  When you make choices while breathing shallowly, you are using only your outer mind, or "functioning self," not your spirit or inner mind, which allows for full participation.

Ask yourself, "Whom will this choice benefit?"  Each choice that has your spirit behind it will benefit you and others equally.  Ask yourself, "How easy is it for me to make this choice?"  If it is very easy, then consider that perhaps you have only sought to reaffirm those attitudes and beliefs that you already hold.  Imagine having to stretch to find a comfort level with a choice that suggests your needs and wants may need to be suspended or altered in order to give or share with others.

I wish the folks who make up government would read this blog!!!! 
Well, this was quite a mouthful so, I will end here by saying…when you follow your inspiration…that which feels expansive…it cannot help but be supportive to all that is around you!


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