Istock_000000070467small Halloween is one of those fun celebrations when I miss my kids being little. I used to have so much fun making costumes for them and then taking them out with a bunch of other kids to go trick-or-treating. Lots of fun memories!

Halloween makes me think of monsters and monsters make me think of "things that hide under the bed" or "things that hide in the closet". Which leads to wonder about the monsters that we hide in our own closets.

Pretty creative segue! hee hee hee (imagine a witch cackling)

These monsters can be actual things that we hold onto that have bewitching memories. I recently worked with someone who was holding onto bedroom furniture from her marriage that ended some time ago in divorce. Every time she saw the furniture, she felt haunted by her memories. After some work using EFT, we were able to clear out some internal beliefs that were holding her back and then she was able to let these items go. She now sleeps in a room free from monsters…a room filled with new possibilities, new hopes and new dreams.

Sometimes we are haunted by past actions. That thing that we did that was so horrible that we don’t want any one to know. That monstrous, evil thing….dum dum dum. When monsters are kept in the dark, they can turn into all sorts of scary creatures. Our minds are VERY creative. But, when the light shines on the monster…it ALWAYS changes form.

If you have these sorts of monsters…find a way to bring them out into the light. Find someone safe and non judgmental to share them with. Do some EFT work. Go to a Healing Touch practitioner and allow the energy work to release it out of your body. Do some art work that expresses the monster…then set it on fire (safely) or throw it away…
Do some journaling on it…anything that can get it out into the light. Then, it can be released.

Our monsters come in lots of forms: memories, items around our house, actions that we did in the past….even crap in our closets and drawers can feel like a monster when we look at the clutter.

So, ghoulish readers….what are the spooks ya got hiding in your closets?
What steps can you take to release these monsters to the light?

I think that I am going to go clear out a really scary drawer that I haven’t opened for about a month because it is so filled with crap. Oh…and then there is the veggie drawer in the fridge…now THAT’S a scary drawer. Yikes!!!!!

Have a spooooooookie halloweeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnn!

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