Hello there!
It snowed today here in Colorado.  It felt nice and cozy.  Yes, I LOVE the cold.  My fella calls me the "ice queen."  The colder and snowier…the better.  So, I am very excited that its fall and soon will be winter. 

I used to live in Santa Barbara, California…it is beautiful there and I love the ocean…but, it was ALWAYS sunny.  Drove me nuts.  I used to say that it was like living with a roommate who smiled all the time…ya just want to smack em and say…"get a mood would ya!!!!!"

Okay…enough weather talk.
On to the tarot card for the week.  This one was chosen from my "Angelic Messenger Cards."



Present challenge:  Merging your guidance from your angelic teachers to help you love yourself.

"You have drawn this card to improve your ability to hear and participate in work with your angelic teachers and, in so doing, to feel more secure in relationships with other people who are less committed to following a spiritual path.

You are needing to sustain your body and maintain your inner balance more completely and thoroughly as you surmount the challenges and accept the changes in your life.  You may feel you’ve been too heavily influenced by the opinions and actions of others and that you are now seeking to stay within your own power and find your love for yourself, so that you can grow spiritually even if others choose not to."

Angelic Message

"You may not think of angels supporting your life as directly as we do, but the angelic realm is committed to helping each human being in many specific ways to transform current personal and planetary difficulties.  We seek to enlighten humanity to move more completely into a course of wise action stemming from a creative involvement with us and with all inspired teachers of love and compassion.  We are ever-present to you as a source of love and enduring support.   we are in your dreams by night and your meditations by day.  we are always with you through pain or loss, through death and transcendence, and through joy, health, recovery, and lasting success.

You speak to us and we speak to you most directly through the beauty of Flowers on your Earth.  The flowers are our angelic messengers, meant to offer you our love and support.  When you look into the face of a flower you see the Universe, the galaxies, the starts, and the planets sprinkled and clustered across the sky.  You see life, death, and re-birth.  You see human frailty, fear, and loss as well as courage, joy, and ascension.

Working with flower images will help you develop your intuition and your ability to more readily interpret life symbolically and archetypally.  Guidance is everywhere around you.  As you accept that you and we are one, then the fact that you are for the moment physical and we are for the time being no physical will present no barriers to our being together.

We speak to you through flowers so that you can draw essential help and love for your own life.  There are lessons to be learned by observing flowers.  You can hear us each day, each moment, and benefit from closing the space between your heart and our love, between your point to transformation and our assurance of your eternal life."

Spiritual Opportunity

The guidance being shared with you is to focus on the power of challenge and the importance of lessons learned.  Even though you may experience stressful, fearful or anxiety-producing times in your daily living, Source continues to reach out to you.  You benefit from listening in love to your spirit and to your non-physical teachers. As you grow through challenges to your physical health and the continued well-being and growth in your relationships, your spirit is sustaining and strengthening you and encouraging your acceptance of lasting well-being.

You are more effective, productive, and capable of love yourself when you seek and live the guidance that is so continually available to you through flowers.  You will be more successful in finding happiness in your own partnership or close relationships as you accept your own spiritual center and seek to know it better.  If others talk behind your back or misrepresent your motives, or if people you love seem to wobble and vacillate emotionally and seem unable to offer you what you need, understand that they too are seeking a spiritual center, whether they are able to verbalize that search or not.

Unconditional love for self and others, fairness, compassion, understanding, lack of judgment–all are qualities that emerge when individuals are sustained by their spirit and they know it.

Here are some questions to ask yourself the next time you have an upsetting or incomplete conversation:

  • What can I take in from the conversation that can help me?
  • What belief about myself is being challenged?
  • What am I willing to admit about myself and the other person without judging the rightness or wrongness of either my response or that of the other person?

Be easy with all of this…its meant to soothe…not hurt!

2 Responses to “Pick a card…any card”

  1. I am jealous that you got snow…I so love winter weather…I guess I am Ice Queen too!

  2. Thanks for your comment Jessica~ I love meeting fellow ice queens. We are rare babes indeed!

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