Hello there everyone~
I hope you all had a lovely holiday!
I am a bit hung over from the holidays. This last week was filled with shopping, movies, visits with friends, chocolate, hangin with my boys, more movies, more chocolate…oh and don’t forget the wine…and more shopping. Then there were presents to wrap, floors to sweep, toilets to clean…more wine…vacuuming, dusting, cooking…which for me means boiling water and cooking the pasta…oh, and opening the jar of sauce.
I have a Stimulation Hang Over!
I am not saying that I didn’t have a great time…I did! Love this time of year!
So, today…I worked with a few clients, took a bath, had a long meditation…which turned into a nap;). Had some more chocolate…which gave me a terrible stomach ache!
*Note to self: STOP EATING THE CHOCOLATE!!!!!!
Spent the afternoon in quiet. Ahhhhhhhhh quiet!!!!
As I read through emails today, I noticed that many of my clients were feeling the same way. So were the kids! One woman wrote me and said that her little boy looked at her and said: "I am tired mommy…I had too much fun!"
Out of the mouths of babes!!!!!
I am not sure what my point is…I am too hung over to be incredibly brilliant;)…
…but, if you are feeling a resonance with this idea of a "stimulation hang over," or SHO for short, I hope that you get a chance to have a bath, have a nap, read a little, rest a little and unplug!
On that note…time to turn my computer off and have a rest….
Ta Ta~
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