Greetings wonderful humans~
I hope you all had a lovely weekend.
Part of my weekend was lovely…that was Saturday. Part of my weekend was rough…that was Sunday.
On Saturday, I cleaned the house, talked to some of my friends on the phone and went to my first training at the radio station. I enjoyed all of this. I love a clean house. I love chatting with my friends and I enjoy when something new engages my brain!
On Sunday…actually it started at about 2am on Sunday…I had a visit from my "health blip" This time it did not want to be refereed to as a "blip." It was more of a "You are going down for the count my friend!!!!!" Well, it took me down all day and I still have some of the pain this morning. Let me put it this way; Yesterday, I could hardly talk. Today, I can barely sit.
What I am showcasing for you all is the incredible contrast between Saturday, Sunday and today. "My Truth" is different for each of these days. It is NOT a set point. It is very fluid. On Saturday, I would have told you that "My truth" is "all is well." "Life is good." "I am so loved…and I love so many." "MY house is beautiful." "My body is strong and fabulous."
On Sunday…these "truths" had altered. Rather than feeling like an empowered bad-ass babe, I felt like a victim to my body. I wondered about what the hell had happened that this pain came in so intensely after such a wonderful day. What did I do wrong? All was NOT well. I wondered about all the love that I have towards others and their love of me. I only questioned the love that others have toward me! I worried about some of the major repairs that we need to do on our home…or should we move? My body did not feel strong and fabulous.
Today, I am feeling a slight breeze of hope. I am feeling love pulsing more strongly through me. My home feels cozy and pretty. My body feels tired and tender.
What I am exploring here with you is how much "Your Truth" changes. The contrast I experienced these three days is all "true" I suppose. Or it may not be. All that might be "true" is that I am expressing to you what I was able to focus on those days. My ability to interpret my world changed dramatically from Saturday to Sunday. My filtering system changed. One day I filtered through my lens of "all is well." The next day, my filtering system was through a haze of pain.
I would like to propose that part of our spiritual journey is to move beyond the black of white of "your truth." Play with the idea that there is no set "truth." Everything is truth and Nothing is truth.
Rather than focusing on what is TRUE…focus on what feels expansive. You will notice that on different days your ability to connect with this feeling of expansion will change. What elicits this feeling of expansion will change. How long you are able to sustain this feeling of expansion changes.
On days that I have pain, I notice that my ability to connect with what feels expansive is very different because my focus keeps going back to witnessing the pain. On days that I have no pain…I have so much more capacity for expansion…I have a different sense of freedom towards what I am able to focus on.
For fun…notice those concepts that are "your truth." You can play with lighters truths, such as favorite colors or favorite foods…what ever floats your boat. You can also explore more deeper concepts like love, or beauty…again, what ever floats your boat!
Notice how these truths feel to you from moment to moment…from day to day.
- DO these truths change in intensity?
- What needs to be in place in order for these truths to be fluid?
- What forces are in place when these truths feel rigid?
The focus here is to witness…not to judge.
I will explore this more in the next few blogs.
January 15th, 2008
I can relate to this completely. Sometimes I really cannot believe how we can change just in a day or sometimes in a few hours, but it is there. We can feel so happy, content, well, etcetera and then it feels like boom and you almost seem to feel you have to struggle so hard to get back to that better place.
January 16th, 2008
Yep…we are such fluid creatures. There really is no “Truth” that stays constant. Interesting indeedy!!! I guess the truth is that everything changes:)