Greetings fabulous readers!
I am writing today from my brand new fabulous computer. It is a red Gateway laptop…with lots of bells and whistles! We have named her "Ruby"~ Thanks to my son for coming up with the name…he is a writer and collects names for his characters. I think that "Ruby" is going to show up in a story soon!
Since the weather has been fairly warm recently, my son and I have been going hiking together. During these hikes he has been sharing about the novel that he is writing. Now, this is really a big honor because he is a fairly superstitious fella. I think writers are kinda like ball players…they have to use certain things in certain order or they will lose the game. They have to have certain snacks to eat while they are writing or the flow will be tampered with. They have to back up their work in certain ways on certain types of things or the world will end and the creative flow will dry up forever!
Anyway, my son has not felt comfortable sharing his work because if he does…just saying things out loud will stop his flow of writing and the story will crash and burn and he will never be able to write again!
He may have gotten some of these superstitions from me…but, I can’t talk about them because if I do…it will wake up the energies of these things and they will come true. Enough said!
Anyway, back to the hiking.
The other day we went on a fun trail and my son spent the whole hike talking about this really awesome story that he is writing. When I tried to ask any questions or say anything, he would sorta talk over me and continue sharing about this, that and the other concept. I soon realized that he was processing his thoughts out loud. I was just there to listen. So I hunkered down and shut my mouth and let him talk.
And talk he did. I don’t think he has talk that much to me since he was 15!
As I listened to his concepts, I was blown away that this kid, who was a little boy just a blink ago…is a young adult. I mean, I have sorta known this for awhile…sorta! But, something happened while he was talking and working through his story really clicked.
How did I not notice this before?
Where the hell have I been?
It is funny that all I needed to do was to shut up and listen. Shut up and really listen! Not, try to come up with inquiring questions or feedback…or any of that.
Our hike lasted for about an hour and a half and during that time I didn’t say much of anything. I just hiked and listened…listened and hiked and totally enjoyed this young man who happens to be my son. And now I know, without a shadow of a doubt that no matter what…he will figure life out. He has the skill, he has the tenacity…he has the humor…he has it…he has what he needs.
And if he gets stuck and decides that he wants to talk about what he is stuck on…all I have to do is shut up and listen!!!!
Here is a fun chance for you my fabulous readers to try this yourselves…if ya want! The next time someone tries to talk to you…especially your kids…try shushing…and just listen. Just allow the persons thoughts to unfold. Just allow them to be where they are.
February 24th, 2008
Hello everyone Happy Sunday,
Well I enjoyed this email Lynn. I think this particular hike and idea of listening must have really given you a sense of true relief. We are all so worried about our kids in the “big world” and think they can’t do it alone. They really can, but to hear that for yourself has to be great. I experience this from time to time on the phone with my daughter who is away at college. I really try to listen but sometimes am so worried about her that I can’t stop myself!!!! Glad to hear of your experience.
February 24th, 2008
Hi Doreen. I totally agree. It seems like it gets harder the older our kids get. I can’t believe that there are still so many things to worry about with them. I spend all of this time trying to let go…and then I have to let go some more…and then some more. Who knew?
Anyway, thanks for sharing about your daughter. It is so hard when they are away at college. UGH!
It is just really challenging no matter what they are doing!