Hi there!
I am in the process of redoing my website…and I am rewriting a bunch of stuff…for the third time! Yes, you read that right. I had written a whole bunch of stuff and lost it to the void when I tired to move it onto my new computer. So, somewhere in the void is a bunch of unedited paragraphs focusing on coaching, EFT, parenting, chronic illness, relationships…and other topics. I keep calling the words back to me…but, they are not appearing magically on my screen. Hmmmmmmmm~
When I tried to rewrite all of the words that I had previously written….I did something…pushed some magic garbage disposal, word devouring button…and shazam…all gone! I can’t find those words either. The second time was not as comprehensive…but, I still found myself in the fetal position, rocking back and forth…under my desk! I think that I cried and cursed the gods…not too loudly though cuz I need their help to rewrite all of this stuff again!
This all happened over the last few weeks. I had planned on rewriting all the content last week…but, instead I just stared blankly at the computer screen.
I decided a little cleaning might help inspire me. I cleaned the bathroom, then dusted, then swept the floors…then vacuumed the carpets…watered the plants…oh, and fertilized them, then I washed some windows…cuz if the windows are not clean, I might not be able to write. Then, I recaulked the bathroom tub, changed my oil, re-roofed the house, re-landscaped the yard, organized the garage…oh, and found a cure for cancer.
Well, that’s not totally true…I did write some crappy stuff. But, that has all been deleted.
Today, I am going for a long walk, working with some fabulous folks and then I am praying to the writing gods, that they give me some words. Just a few goods ones to get me going. Some words that inspire and soothe. Some words that uplift and bring a smile to someones face. Just a small morsel please…
If not…my closet really needs to be organized…oh, so does the hall closet. Oh, and I want to talk to some friends and check in with how they are doing. Then there are the emails to read, the blogs to explore…that netflix movie that needs watching….the birds that need feeding..my dog needs me to play with her…
Have a word filled day!
March 12th, 2008
Welcome to everyone’s world Lynn!!! Sorry to hear you are feeling this way, but I have also had my fare share of this feeling!!! So, not to worry it to shall pass!!!
Have a great day!!! Write on!!
March 12th, 2008
Thanks Doreen….ah the frustration of technology and writing…whaddya gonna do! It is already, sorta starting to pass. Kinda like a bad flu!
March 19th, 2008
This reminds me of a story I heard many years ago.
Do you know who Garrison Keeler is? I think he’s very funny–not everyone does.
Anyway, he had written his very first book. He just knew it was a great book and the publishers would love it, too. He put his book in his briefcase, packed his bag, went to the train station in St. Cloud, Minnesota, and boarded the train to Minneapolis where he thought a local publisher would be tickled pink to put this manuscript into book form in no time at all.
As you may already have surmised, someone stole his briefcase. Being new at this whole writing thing, he hadn’t made a copy of his manuscript.
He started trying recreate that first book that was the most brilliant thing he has ever written and, in the process of failed recreation, has become a writer and humorist known to a ton of people–many books in print, a weekly radio show, public appearances all over the place, working FULL TIME as a writer.
No real message here, just sharing a memory about the same kind of thing but different.
Have I told you recently how much I LOVE your writing? I always feel better when I read one of your posts!