Good day lovely readers!

My oldest son, who is now 23 years old, has moved back in with us for awhile. He is saving up money to go back to school and is tired of living alone. He has been on his own for a couple of years now…tried to get some friends to share an apartment…but, they all want to stay living in their parents basements.

The nifty part of this is that he really likes us. We really like him! We like each other as people. I can’t say that I had the same feeling about my folks at his age! My other son, who is 21 years old, has been couch surfing between our house and his dads house for the last handful of months. He has taken some cool trips during all this and has had some interesting adventures.

I love hanging out with my boys sons.


I realized last night after hanging out with both of them and my fella, watching "Bourne Supremacy," that I would soon tire of all the testosterone. There is a lot of testosterone when there are three of them. Guy jokes. Guy smells. Guy sounds. Guy stuff!!!!! I mean, my dog is a female…but, she has fear/aggression

…so, it is kind of like she is a guy…or she is a very masculine female. I am really the lone babe in all of this male-ness.

After bringing these thoughts with me to bed last night, I had a dream. I dreamed that I was a part of a sewing circle. It was a group of babes, of all different ages, sitting in a circle, sewing an amazingly intricate quilt. There was a sense of history with all of us. We gathered to sew and cook together. The house where we gathered was a beautiful farm house. It had a wrap around porch and a large room where we had a sewing table that we could all fit around. This place was…incredibly homey…a group of the women were making homemade soup in the kitchen!

…incredibly cozy…large worn pillows graced the floors, couches and chairs…everything was well used, and well loved..old rugs placed upon the hardwood floors…well used…and well loved.

…an incredible sisterhood. This house was filled with the echoes of memories that we had all shared. This house held the soft whispers of what was to come…this house held us gently in our now present moments through laughter and tears. The house was alive…because we were so alive~

Well, anyone who knows me, knows that I am NOT super homey. I mean, I do love to make things pretty…but, the cooking and sewing are not skills that I have. I like to bake…but, that’s about it. Sometimes I make cookies from a tube and call that baking! As for cooking…my idea of being "fancy" is adding ground turkey to sauce from a jar!!!

But, when I woke up from this very lovely dream…I felt so connected. Connected to something that felt very whole. I felt connected to a broader wisdom.

This is one of the aspects that I love about being with all of my guys…because they are comfortable expressing their maleness with such gusto…I am able to tune into my femaleness with gusto. It is a nice complementary contrast!

Anyone want to come over and bake cookies with me?

How about creating a sewing circle? I have a nice sewing machine!

Anyone know how to use it?

For now, I think I will have a couple double stuffed oreos and a glass of milk!

Have a cozy day!

6 Responses to “Sewing Circle Needed!”

  1. Sign me up for the sewing circle, that is if I can crochet, because I don’t sew either.

    Reading your description of the warm, homey place where we would gather–I could see the colors, the smells…feel the coziness, the softness.

    “Embracing the feminine with gusto”. I like that. My daughters and I went out to Target this morning and tried on lots of shoes. At one time we all tried on the same pair and if we could afford it, I think we would have all bought them. My daughters said they didn’t mind if we all matched (and they are teenagers!) Oh, and we shared a chocolate bar on the way home. They will soon be grown and out on their own and I’m going to miss the girl stuff and really want a sewing circle like you dreamed. (Once again without the sewing!) I make good muffins, I can bring those.

    My hubby is the only guy in the house and I know he could relate to you but turn it around to being surrounded by Estrogen. He is going out mountain biking with the guys tonight–a male biking circle.

    You’re right Lynne, whatever our sex, we need that time to embrace it, to celebrate it. Do you want to come shoe shopping with us next time? And let me know as soon as you’ve set up the sewing circle–can’t wait!

  2. I would love to go shoe shopping! Actually, I would watch you shoe shop…I only own 5 pairs of shoes…if I could, I would just be barefooted all the time. Here is my shoe collection: 1 pair of hiking boots
    1 pair of leather sandals
    1 pair of blue tevas
    1 pair of tennis shoes for the gym
    1 pair of dansko’s
    I only wear shoe to be polite:)
    Let’s do a “shoes are optional” sewing, muffin eating circle!
    Love ya!

  3. Lynne –

    Wanna live near the ocean? I wanna sew a quilt.
    Actually done it already.
    Mike can find students here.
    OK – not a yurt. we’ll figure something out,
    give me a few more years. really.

  4. Hey Meherbani~ I had a dream last night that I was living on the beach near you…we were taking a walk together on the beach…the surf…the waves…fantastic! I miss it there. Maybe we will just stay there when we come out in August. Love ya and miss ya tons!

  5. wow! just imagining that put a HUGE indelible
    mark into my third eye (and heart) :)

  6. See ya soon!

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