Hi there fabulous folks!
I hope you have found it easy to follow me over here to Word Press. For those of you who are having difficulties signing up for this blog…I am going to write up step by step directions for you…as soon as I figure out how to do it!!! For now, you can try going to my website: www.lynnemorrell and clicking on "BLOG" up on the navigation bar.
Okay…now on to the topic at hand….lost emails…lost posts…lost and NOT found! Yesterday, I wrote a post in the morning. A fairly funny post, and I couldn’t figure out a good ending, so I saved it for later. At least, I thought I saved it! When I came back to finish it up…it was gone. "Well," I thought, "I am new at this. I probably didn’t do it right!"
I tried it again.
This time, the post was not very funny (I had used up all my hilariousness for the blog that had disappeared) so, I hit SAVE again…and TA DAH…disappeared…AGAIN!!!
Now, I know that I am technologically challenged…but, COME ON!!!! I closed my WordPress thingie with a huff. And sat there staring at Ruby. Maybe, I will have better luck next time, I thought to myself. At least I thought I was thinking this too myself, when my son came in and looked at me.
Son: "Hey Mom, who are talking to?"
Me: "Ummmmm…Ruby!"
Son: "Seriously mom…I think you need to get some help!"
Me: "Do you know what ‘Shut up ‘ means?"
Well, after this lovely exchange I decided to clean the house. Maybe if I cleaned the house…Wordpress would work better for me! Right???? Makes sense to me!! So, I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. After awhile the walls started to breathe…and I felt dizzy and had to lay down. Not quite 100% yet!
As I was getting ready to fall asleep, my thoughts floated back to the question at hand. What the hell does happen to all of these posts and emails that go out into the ether with the intention of landing somewhere?
The answer came to me in a dream: I am guessing that I was in a sort of heaven kind of place…though it could have been New Zealand! There was a dude there…could have been God or maybe Gandoulf. The dude had cool long white hair with a long white beard…he was very tall and very willowy. He was sitting in front of a huge computer screen…like one of those enormous TV screens. He had a key board in his lap. I watched him as he scrolled down, down, down, down…reading and laughing. He might have been cackling a bit. Maybe he was a manic God or something.
Anyway, this is how our conversation went:
Gray Haired Dude: (looking over at me) "So, what are you doing here?"
Me: "I dunno"
Gray Haired Dude: "Wondering where all your emails have gone?"
Me: "That is so funny…I was thinking about that all day!"
Gray Haired Dude: "Uh…ya I know!!!!"
Me: "So, what does happen to them? Oh, and by the way…where the hell are my blog posts?"
Gray Haired Dude: "They are all here in my Universal In Box! See? I have your file right here!!"
Me: "Hey…there is my name! So, what do you do with all of them?"
Gray Haired Dude: "Sometimes I read them…its all for entertainment! I like to watch you guys freak out about these sorts of things!"
Me: "Ah…your are sadistic!!!!"
Gray Haired Dude: "Ya well….it gets kinda quiet here and sometimes I get a little bored!"
…And that is all I remember. So, the next time something disappears into the internet vortex…it most likely went to that Gray Haired Dude’s Universal In Box. I wish I had thought to ask him his email address….I have a few more questions for him!!!!
Have a fabulous day!!!!
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