Hi everyone!
I hope you were all able to follow me from my old home…to this new fabulous one! Everything got a makeover. My website (thank you Randie and Alix…and everyone else who held my hand!) as well as my blog…I even got new business cards! Feel free to check out my site…I will be adding new meditations and videos very soon…and this fall look for classes as well as snazzy new products that will inspire and make you laugh!
Okay…enough marketing! I really can only handle little bits at a time!
Anyway, I want to offer extreme gratitude to my Virtual Assistants; Cynthia and Staci. Without their help…this would not have happened. When I say "help"…I really mean that they did EVERYTHING!!!! I just sat in the back, like an annoying kid, asking "Are we there yet?"
When there were technical thingies that needed my input…Cynthia would kindly figure it out for me. To help me feel included she would ask my opinion about color or shape…or length! I felt so helpful!!!! I spent a bunch of time with Cynthia yesterday as she gently explained how to post…how to save…how to catalogue…and a bunch of other things. She tried to show me how to change some colors on some old posts…but, I left my body and I don’t remember what she was talking about.
She is always so kind and patient with me! It is so amazing to have such support~
Thank you!!! Thank you!!!! Thank you!!!!!
Okie dokie…now it is time to move into a few technical aspects of this new blog. If you want to sign up to receive my posts, there are two ways to do it. Look to the right of this blog…see where is says "Subscribe to Blog ?" You can either subscribe to the "Official Feed" which is the same as the RSS feed…or use your email address and use "Feedblitz."
Since the blog is embedded in my website…you will be able to read a blog and then cruise off and do a meditation if you feel inspired…or go and watch a tapping video (which will announced shortly). As this site builds…I think that it will be a really nice place to hang out and be rejuvenated.
Well, fabulous folks…that is it for now…if you have any questions about how to use this blog or my site…feel free to email me or comment.
Have a fabulous day!!!
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