One of my favorite questions to ask people is: "What is your soul giving birth too?"

If I am working with some one in a relationship, I ask them: "What is your relationship wanting to give birth too?"

This can apply to your relationship with your kids, friends and coworkers: "What is this relationship wanting to give birth too?"

Even if you have a health concern, this is such an interesting and lovely way to explore your inner journey with the illness: "What is this illness wanting to give birth too?"

Many times we already know the answer.

Many times we need to sit with the question, asking it over and over again so that we can dive in deep enough to reach what is below the surface.

It feels like there are deep stirrings happening within many of us.

Deep stirrings politically.

Deep stirrings environmentally.

Deep stirrings religiously and spiritually.

Deep stirrings.

The pattern of many of these stirrings feels so much like the Chaos Theory being played out:

Here is a definition of the Chaos Theory: " In quantum physics term "the healing crisis" can be understood as "Chaos Theory"–the frequency phenomena in which the new level of coherence (higher vibration) cannot be reached until there is an unscrambling of the old frequency pattern. It appears visually as "frequency chaos" but in fact it is the rapid reorganizing of waves and particles so that they can form new (and always more coherent, ordered and beautiful) patterns of vibration."

In other words, apparent "chaos" is the precursor to profound transformation.

So, does any of this seem familiar?

To soothe you a bit more…at least I hope you are feeling soothed by all of this!…remember a time in your past when life seemed to be in tremendous personal upheaval. Once life settled down…once that soul desire was born…there sparks an awareness that this chaotic period…this collapsing of the old…was a gift. This gift could not have manifested without the upheaval.

Any of you women out there who have given birth KNOW that this is not an easy process. There is work involved…some strenuous physical labor. There are moments in most every woman’s birth process, when they feel out of control…when they want THE DRUGS! This is usually towards the end of the labor when the drugs are too late too help. Then, all of a sudden, after hours of labor…when the child comes forth. When what was wanting to be born….happens.

So, dear readers…what is your soul giving birth too?

Where are you in your labor?



Towards the end?




Hold the vision…

hold the essence of what your soul is wanting to give birth too.

It will be here in time….

If this labor is feeling overwhelming…if it is difficult to remember what is going on…if you are forgetting what you are doing in labor in the first place…find people who can support you. Who can hold your vision while you breath through the labor pains. Find someone who can hold this vision while you clear out the patterns of vibration that no longer serve your souls desires.

Have an oxygen filled day!

2 Responses to “One of my favorite questions~”

  1. Hm…a free spirit…the divine feminine…a new herbalist…a bad-ass babe…lots of great stuff being birthed over here!

  2. Tons of great stuff being birthed in your neck of the woods!
    Thanks for sharing~

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