Hi fabulous readers:)
There is something about the energy of spring.
Have you been feeling it?
Kind of a restless, impatient, glad to be alive kind of feeling. Open to possibilities. Lots of dreaming energy. Oodles and oodles of ideas. And…best of all…the fairies are back getting ready for the warm weather 😉
I have lots of ideas flowing through my little brain…they don’t have much of a purpose…no big enlightened brilliant ideas. These ides go more along the lines of: “Oooooh I want to plant daisies in that container this year” or “yum, I am going to put avocado on my salad” or “I am going to make some cozy spots in the garden for the fairies.”
Nothing of importance but, I feel excited just the same!
My thoughts change in content during this time of year and they also change in pattern. I feel more like I have a case of ADD during spring. My mind flits from one thought and flutters through another. I also change my mind from day to day…sometimes my mind changes many times through out the day. Yesterday, I was thinking of planting daisies in that container…today I am thinking that maybe I want to paint the pot…and maybe I will plant some interesting grasses in the pot. Who knows were my mind will go tomorrow. It is good that I can’t plant anything until mid-May…maybe by then my thoughts will have settled down a bit.
While my mind is flitting and fluttering through this, that and the other thing, there is also this impatience with projects that I have been focusing on for awhile. If I started something in the fall, there is a good possibility that this is the time of year that I will throw it all away and start something new.
Sometimes that is not the best idea.
Sometimes, I need to find a way to continue on…continue the focus…continue the action steps…even if what I really want to do is go outside and do cartwheels on the newly greening grass, or lay down in a flower bed and have some conversations with the fairies or lay on the grass and catch some rays.
So, how do we continue on with the momentum of ongoing projects even when our hearts and minds just want to go outside and play with the fairies?
Is there a way to bring new energy to old projects? If so, how?
What will keep us focused on the path and give us room to do a little jig off the path?
I tend to be an “eat my dessert first” kind of babe. The problem with that is when I eat my dessert first, I tend to get full and then I don’t want to eat anything else. Same with projects. If I go play first…chances are that I will stay in play and not get those “to do’s” “to-done!”
Ah…the energy of spring~
Lots of polarities…lots of push/pull…lot’s of energy…lot’s of dreaming energy…lots of stop and start. Yesterday was 68 degrees…today it is in the 40’s and rainy.
Pretty abrupt flow.
Would love to hear your thoughts about spring.
How do you channel this energy?
Have a fabulous sring day!
April 16th, 2009
I tend to get up a little earlier each day. The extra quiet time in the morning is nice, and I can take the dog for a walk if it’s nice.
This is my favorite time of year. I like the cool weather, the warm sun, the lack of bugs and the rebirth of nature!