
Here is your quote for the day:

“Operator!  Give me the number for 9 1 1!”

Homer Simpson~

Well, I can TOTALLY relate to this. Recently, I have been having lots of these kind of moments.

The other day, I was walking around asking no one in particular:  “Where is my pencil?”

Guess where it was?

Drum roll please…..

In my hand!

Here is another Homer moment.

I was driving around doing some errands and a red light came on above a little image of a gas pump.  And it had a beep.

“Oh my god…what is wrong????”  I think that I said this out loud while driving alone in my car!

I frantically turned into a gas station, parked the car and grabbed the book that shows all the images that show up on the dash board.

Red dot with picture of something that kind of looks like a gas pump….hmmmmm…where is it?


I need gas.


9 Responses to “Quote Friday!”

  1. First of all, doesn’t everyone talk to themselves when they drive? Or wandering around the house when no one is home? Or, well, just about anytime? Or is that just because I live alone (with my cat) and am a very verbal person.

    Secondly, you might want to consider embracing those moments as something that may be part of that irreverent personality you have.

    Yes, I really do know what a little shit I am.

  2. The “corollary” to that 911 quote is:

    A: “Quick, dial nine-eleven!”

    B: “Where’s the eleven button?”

    Anyway, mindfulness is a terrible thing to waste.

  3. Hey Cynthia~ I think that it is hilarious that I did this…made me laugh out loud. These sorts of events make me who I am 😉
    No you are NOT a little shit!!!!
    Have a groovy day~

  4. Hey there Mr Peg~ I have heard that before. I think that is behind why the stopped saying: “dial nine eleven” for emergencies….people couldn’t find “11.” Emergencies sorta scramble our brains a bit. At least that is what happens to me!
    Have a safe weekend!

  5. My comments aren’t showing up — I just tried changing the email address…not sure what’s wrong?

  6. Okay, Lynne, the problem is that my comments are ignored when they come from my normal email address. What is going on?

  7. Hey Alix…they are showing up now :)

  8. The other day I asked Trey to help me find my glasses, and he actually patted the top of my head first (even though he is taller than me and could CLEARLY see that they weren’t there) because he was Trying To Make A Point 😛

  9. Your fella is a funny guy Jenny :)

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