Archive for July, 2009

As some of you know who have been reading my blog for awhile, listening to the radio show, being one of my fabulous clients or hangin out as one of my groovy friends….I love love love slang.

I do.

If I can’t remember a word to describe something or if I don’t like the word most formally used to describe something…I tend to make words up or use some sort of slang.  Swearing also works well for filler.  I don’t have the bestest of grammar so slang is great to create sentences that are fun, light hearted and no one can really take offense at my crappy grammar!

I hope. (more…)


I know…I know….I have not been blogging much.  I am feeling better though!  So, I have no excuses except that my brain is just not being very funny this week.

Ah well.

But, alas I have a hilarious quote.  This quote is being “borrowed” from my fabulous friend Alix, who got it from fizzy duck on Twitter:

“When life hands me lemons, I put them down my shirt and make my boobs bigger!”

Cheers 😉


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