Well, it has finally happened.

I never thought it would happen.

I hope it’s not permanent.

But, it might be.

Last night, after my millionth hot flash…at exactly 3:23 AMI lost my sense of humor.  Poof.  It left in one sweaty and hot, ‘if I don’t stick my head in the freezer now I am gonna die’ moment! By 3:27, my side of the bed was soaked with sweat and I was up, putting cold water on my face and getting a big glass of ice water.

Standing in the dark drinking my water, I wondered what was to become of me?  How was I gonna handle this if my sense of humor was gone?  What is a babe to do?

I grabbed a towel to mop up my face…and sighed.

I thought about going outside and hanging out in the indoor/outdoor room, but I didn’t want to wake up the mouse.  (See yesterday’s post).  So, I sat down on the couch.  After a few moments, the couch became too hot…velvet/chenille mix…shoot me!

I moved to the floor.


Ugh!  Too hot!

At about 3:43 AM the hot flash ended.  I got back into bed.  And began to fantasize about floors.  Yep. Floors.  I am not a big carpet fan so, I started imagining wide plank pine wood floors…I wonder if they are hot to lay on.  Then my mind hit the jack pot.  Concrete floors!  Nice cold concrete floors.  I could stain them cool colors and lay down on them and sleep.  At some point during this thought clump…I fell back asleep.

Only to be woken up a bit later with another hot flash.  This one was short and sweet and to the point!

Glad I am seeing  my doctor next week.  We need to come up with a new plan…we are on plan E!

Until then, cold showers, more red clover tea, no wine:(  and ice cubes…

I can’t wait until it snows!

Signed:  Hot and not funny in Colorado

2 Responses to “Can’t find the funny~”

  1. Sorry about the lack of sleep.

    Mice are nocturnal, you know. So next time go right on out to the indoor/outdoor room. But hopefully there won’t be a next time!

  2. Hi Mr Peg~ Weirdly enough I don’t feel tired. Maybe all the heat!!!

    As for our little furry friend…seems to be active in the day as well:)
    Have a cool day!

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