There was a young mouse who crawled up my blouse….
Just kidding! I am actually more of a t-shirt kind of gal
There has been this young mouse hanging out in our indoor/outdoor room. It is about the size of a tiny cute ball of cuteness. It runs around…stops…cleans itself (super duper cute) and then scoots outside to play with all of its friends.
One of the games this little mouse loves to play is “Sunflower Romp”. This little mouse goes racing up the stem all the way up to the flower head (some birds continue to eat but look a little annoyed at the intrusion!). Then the mouse goes to the tip of the flower…the flower bends….the mouse looses its balance…and then hurls itself onto the neighboring sunflower plant. This goes on for a while. Sometimes, when it needs to take a break…it will stop and hang out on the stone wall, cleaning itself and doing little busy things. To make this picture more complete…imagine not just our cute little friend doing this…imagine about 10 cute little friends doing this
After playing on the sunflowers and romping here and there…this little mouse comes sauntering back into the indoor/outdoor room…lookin as pleased as punch! Scopes out the room and decides that it is gonna head to the shelf.
Here is what has happened up on the shelf…
Our cute furry friend has decided to make the shelf into a nice little cozy sleeping and lounging hang out space. This mouse took all of my seed packets (there were 10 of them), out of a plastic bag…chewed them open…ripped up the package material into tiny little strips…and with all of this fabulousness…made itself a cool place to hang out. And it is edible! Kinda like living with a couch made of chocolate…you get to snack while you lounge:) Hmmmm that actually sounds kinda sticky and messy…so forget that!!!
Anyway, this mouse is diggin the whole scene!
Yesterday, our little friend had come inside for a bit of R&R…hopped up onto the shelf…nestled down into the very soft paper seed bed and took a snooze. Inside the house, Elly (our dog) had been keenly watching this whole thing…and made the decision that it was time to put a stop to it. She barked at the door. The mouse woke up with a start and took off. I gave the mouse a head start and then let Elly out. She went nuts. Sniffed all over the room…then went to the shelf. Sniffed all over the mouse bed and made a fine mess out of all that hard work!
Fast forward to this morning. I am sitting on the couch drinking my cup of coffee, writing in my journal. I hear this rustling sound. I quietly peek out of the screen door. Remember that plastic bag? The mouse decided to move its fabulous hang out space into the bag! The mouse was inside the plastic bag doing busy little things…there was a little seed and paper bed pushed up into a corner of the bag…and in the center of the bag…a lovely little chair made out of the paper and seeds…and a cup of tea I also saw a welcome mat at the “door” of the bag 😉
Smart mouse!
So, why the hell am I telling you this story?
Well, it is cute for sure!
I enjoy writing about the adventures of our little friends who live in our yard!
I also love how this little mouse just rethought its living space. Elly had ruined the first one. Instead of packing everything up in a huff…it just reconfigured the situation. And interestingly…this little hangout space seems a lot nicer than the first one!
So…to be totally cheesy…(pun intended!)…What in your life is asking for a little reconfiguration?
Would love to hear from you!
September 3rd, 2009
I wanna play with the little mouse and share its house!
At long last. ahhhhh feels good.
And reconfigure? Just did it yesterday and reorganized my beading place.
September 3rd, 2009
Hi Tara! I would love for you to hang out with the mouse in my house:) And with me!
I have been reorganizing my new space…I am putting together a studio space for doing stained glass, beading:) and I am gonna learn how to sew
I would love to see some pictures of your beautiful bead work~