Archive for October, 2009

This article was posted in “The Healing Path” some years ago.  It’s a good piece~  Just wanted to share it again :)

Could striving for life balance be reaching for an ideal that is an illusion?

What I mean by life balance is having the various aspects that make up our lives, flowing smoothly and easily. When new experiences come into our lives that create uneasiness and chaos…invited or uninvited do we still need to be striving for balance? During this time of reaching, we are no longer being present to what is happening in the now…we are trying to BE something else. It almost seems as though this striving is a form of resistance to what is…which may intensify the feelings of uneasiness and chaos in our lives rather than bring us the peace we so desire. (more…)

A young ventriloquist is touring the clubs and one night he’s doing a show in a small club in a small town in Arkansas. With his dummy on his knee, he’s going through his usual dumb blonde jokes when a blonde woman in the fourth row stands on her chair and starts shouting: (more…)

I went to my doctor a couple weeks ago looking for some help with all of this hotflash…IC burning out of my mind stuff.  When she enters the room she gives me a big smile:

Doc:  “How are you feeling?”

Me: “Not so grand”

Doc: “Well, I want you to feel grand!!!”

Me:  Starting to sob. “Me too!!!! (sniff)”

I hate when that happens.  I am usually so bad ass!  But nay…this time I started bawling…couldn’t stop the tears for few minutes. (more…)


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