Hi there brilliant humans!
My website is undergoing some major changes. Not visually. Yet. But internally. I am having it moved into wordpress. The dude that is doing it is a brilliant young fella who is a bit of a mad scientist. He presses buttons, adds apps, cuts and pastes all willy nilly.
My fabulous friend Christine is working with him as well. We are hoping that if we do this together we can live to see another day hold each others hand.
The three of us met in person this week and he gave us an overview on how wordpress works. He was super relaxed and showed us a bunch of buttons that do a bunch of important stuff. I don’t really remember…cuz I drifted out of my body and headed east towards Nebraska.
This morning, I received an email from wordpress dude saying that I could start posting on my blog again. I poured a nice big cup or coffee…took a handful of valium…typed in my little blog link admin stuff and here I am. I must tell you that it took me a few minutes to figure out how to even get here. I mean…I was here…but I didn’t recognize much of anything. Once I reorientated myself…clicked on a few links…things started to make some sense.
As my bravery increased I decided to explore further to see what would happen. Hmmmm… what would happen if I clicked on that link? Uh-oh. I was somewhere completely unfamiliar. Brand new territory. My brain scrambled. Completely. I held my breath.
What if this crashes my website?
Can my laptop explode?
Could I push the wrong button and end the world?
Wind up in some portal that leads to another universe????
Thanks to all the wordpress gods, there is a “back” button. And thanks to my brain for remembering this!!!! Clicked that…and I was back on familiar ground.
That was close. I sucked down the rest of my coffee.
After refilling my cup, I took a deep breath and decided to try exploring again. But this time I was going to take it a little bit slower. I played with a bunch of the little buttons on top of this post (you can’t see them…but they are in here!).
So far…so good.
The universe as we know it still exists.
No permanent damage.
Well, I best be going. There are more links to play with. Maybe I can even figure out how to post pictures and videos Won’t that be snazzy! And then I will take a gander over to the other parts of my website and see what I can destroy play with.
Wish me luck 😉
Oh, and if my website disappears…or the universe alters in some way…you will know what happen! Consider yourself warned!
Yes, I have that much power!
At least I do in my head 😉
Have a brainful day!
January 15th, 2010
Welcome to the wonderful world of WORDPRESS!! There is so many exciting things to do here.
If you want to learn what all the little buttons up there do check out this post I did a whole this is what that is post on it. (click my name on the comment to go there)
Have fun and you really can’t explode the world or delete your blog from here.
January 15th, 2010
Congrats on finding a WordPress magic techno dude! Does he have a clone in my state Lynne? Happy weekend, Kerry
January 15th, 2010
Still looks great to me! What blog software were you using before?
I really liked WordPress, but I went with Blogger only because they offered a bit more with their free hosting. If I were to choose today, I might choose WordPress.
January 15th, 2010
Hey Kerry~ He works with folks long distance. He is affordable, funny, irreverent and very kind to those of us who are on the more “special ed” side of technology.
Wanna give him a ring?
January 15th, 2010
Hey there Mr Peg! My blog has been in wordpress for the last handful of months…but, the rest of my site was in something else. Now everything is wordpress. And my blog got updated to the newer version and so there was lots more fancy pants stuff this morning
The cool part is now I can make changes to my website (not only my blog. I am planning on adding videos, and more podcasts…and all sorts of fun stuff. Classes…etc.
I think once I get the hang of all of this…I am gonna love it!!!
Can you move your site or is that hard to do? It was easy for me…cuz I hired Nick…he is really affordable and does long distance too
See how I am pluggin him?
Okie dokie…off to go watch The Daily Show!
January 20th, 2010
Hey thanks Jackie!!! I am totally gonna check that out today after my calls~ Looks like I have a lot to learn.
I am glad that I can’t destroy the world by pushing that red button 😉