Here ya go…
One thing they never tell you about child raising is that for the rest of your life, at the drop of a hat, you are expected to know your child’s name and how old he or she is.
Erma Bombeck
This is very true. My son just had a birthday….and for the life of me I forgot how old he is. Then once I remembered, I realized why I forgot.
He is 25 years old.
25 years old.
I have a 25 year old son.
How the hell did that happen?
My other son…is 2 years younger…he is lucky cuz I can always subtract by 2:) Well, maybe not always!
He turns 23 in a week or so. The date slipped my mind….well, it didn’t slip my mind…it just disappeared from my mind. Lucky for him…I wrote it down in my calendar with a big heart right next to his name.
Happy birthday my two fabulous sons….
I love you both to reeses pieces
March 29th, 2010
Having sons that are 25 and 23 (nearly) does not necessarily imply that you are probably in your 40s.
We’re in the 21 century. Us enlightened humans are open-minded enough not to assume anything about anyone.
It is possible that you adopted these sons when they were 17 and 15 (nearly) respectively, and that you did so when you were, oh, say 21 years old. That would mean that you are a very youthful 29 year old woman. And I imagine you as being younger than that from the tone of your writing.
(Disclaimer: I, Square Peg Guy, received no payments or gifts in exchange for the writing of this comment. All content is my own and was not influenced in any way by this blog’s author, except that she seems nice.)
March 30th, 2010
Thanks Mr Peg~ Well, I am in my 40’s…47 to be exact
I started early…which worked out well for all of us! I am very young in my energy…and recently was carded…which was a total shock. I asked the guy if he needed glasses!!!! He said “Nope…I just thought you were in your early 20’s” I almost kissed him but I thought he might totally die if I did that:)

Were shall I send your check?