Archive for April, 2010


Today’s quote has been stolen from my fabulous friend Kerry.  She had posted this on her facebook page and I just had to steal it :)

Thanks Kerry!

“Everyone has a photographic memory, but some of us don’t have film.” –anonymous

I love this cuz it is optimistic….with the assumption that we all have a photographic memory 😉

Have a memorable day!

Ta Ta for now~

I know…I know…writing has been really slow on my end.  In fact the minute I decided to do Rue’s class (Re-imagining your life) things got very quiet upstairs in the ol brain department.  Funny how that works!

Which brings me to last weekend.

Last Saturday, I started a project with a couple of friends of mine called “Process Painting.” I feel like my friends are kind of slummin it having me there with them cuz they are both amazing artists.  Randie is my brilliant friend who did the logo and design for my website.  She also creates gorgeous, whimsical pottery and plays with glass fushion.  Her pieces are stunning.  If you want to check out her stuff go to: (more…)

Hey there kids.  Hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Now that it is Monday morning and I just know that you have been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for me to post this post…yes folks…it’s time!

It’s time for another installment of “6 words.”  I gotta figure out a better title :)

Today I thought it would be fun to play with 6 words that describe how you feel waking up to a spring morning.  I know that sounds kinda cheesy, but there is something about a spring morning that feels really good.

Oh…and for those of you who are waking up to Autumn (Tara and the rest of you in Australia) feel free to play with an autumn morning :)

Here is mine:

Is that bird flirtin with me?

I can smell the spring dirt.

Wake UP!  Wake UP! Coffee’s on.

Is that bunny eating my daffodiles?

Okay.  I am done.  Kind of silly…but kind of fun :)

Have a lovely morning everyone!


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