After landing in a wee bit of ‘droopy drawers’ over the whole “my mom has lost her mind” situation…I am so in awe of the other side of this energy. That place where things are in a fantastic hum of alignment. Where the energy is just right and all is light and bright and fun and cool.
Like when I drove into town and all the lights turned green and I cruised right on through. To make this even more cool was the music that I had playing…it just fit so nicely…a groovy little hum.
Then there was this fabulous check that showed up in the mail from a client…she said it was a tip for all of the wonderful work we are doing together. How cool is that??? What a fun surprise!!!
Then there were the cozy clean sheets waiting for me when I jumped into bed last night. My fella and I jumped into bed…it was so cold outside and we were so cozy inside. Dontcha just love that????
And then this morning, my fella was playing his guitar and our dog was howling along with him. And there was the moment when I joined her in howling.
Oh and then there was the lovely bath that I took this morning. I love that I can just turn a know and all of this amazing hot water comes out. To add to the fun, Santa brought me some yummy bubble bath and some candles. In goes the bubbles, strike goes the match…up fills the water…and I got myself a little party I am laying in the luxurious bath, that smells amazing…the dog is howlin, my dude is playing music and I am reading the really fun book. What a fabulous morning.
I just love the richness of all of this. Some moments are sad and scary. Some moments are surprising. Some moments are frustrating and annoying. Some moments are fresh and new. Some moments are awkward and some are graceful. Some moments are down right hilarious…and some are not.
It is amazing how we can experience all of this…sometimes in the same day. This is something all of us humans have in common.
So, even though we sometimes loose our minds…we can also sing a pretty cool tune~
I know that sounds like a fortune cookie…but, I just couldn’t help myself 😉
January 12th, 2011
love fortune cookies.
January 12th, 2011
I’m jealous — our dog never howls when we play music! Maybe we should play louder.
I hope good things keep coming your way!
January 12th, 2011
Beautiful reminder of all the good we see every day.