Fab-o-rama Folks~ Randie at LuckyDog Arts & Design was the brilliant babe who created this website. She is a gifted artist as well as a fantastic web designer. Alix was instrumental in editing and copywriting this website. Plus, she was great at assisting me in weeding through the technological verbiage that sends me over the edge of SANITY! Check out her blog if you get a chance. She is hilarious, poignant, and a great writer! Also, keep a look out for her new upcoming It is going to be fantastic~ Christine is a fabulous Life Coach who speaks from the Wise Woman Tradition. She offers a wonderful monthly teleclass called “Daughters of the Earth” which I highly recommend. Check out her website to find out more on this class. If you feel inspired, sign up for Christine’s newsletter. She has a beautiful way of writing about life from the Wise Woman perspective. Dr Carol Robin is a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC), a Certified Clinical Nutritionist (CCN) and Energy Medicine, EFT and Meridian Tapping Practitioner.She has created wonderful guided imagery meditations, which she offers in private sessions, classes and on CDs and mp3’s which are available on the CDs & MPs page of her website. Betsy Sheffield is a Certified Health Counselor who brings a wholistic approach to working with her clients on weight loss. She will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you on your journey to optimum health. Check out her monthly newsletter that is filled with good info, healthy recipes and upcoming teleclasses!
Links to Expand your Mind, Heart and Soul~
This site is overflowing with information on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Gary Craig offers a free e-book that teaches beginners how to use this powerful modality. He also offers excellent DVD’s that explore ways to use EFT on a variety of issues. Or if you want, sign up for his newsletter which is filled with ways to use EFT in your everyday life. When Gary says “try it everything!” he ain’t kidding.J
*Gary Craig has retired moving on to new possibilities. I send him much gratitude and thanks for what he has offered the EFT community!
“The institute of Heartmath is an internationally recognized non profit research and education organization dedicated to heart based living.” This group has focused on researching heart intelligence, stress and emotional management and creating easy to use tools based on the findings of their research. Great information for educators, therapists, Life Coaches…and any person who has a heart beat! Enjoy!!!!
If you interested in “Law of Attraction” this is a fantastic resource. This site offers a wide variety of CD’s, DVD’s and many other resources to guide you towards understanding how this vibrational force works in your life.
Sign up for TUT’s daily inspirations. A light hearted and sweet way to start your morning!
This site is for anyone who enjoys dabbling in astrology, has a sense of humor and enjoys some good ol’ irreverence! Rob Brezsney is brilliant in his turn of a phrase and in the way he presents his information. Sign up for his free weekly astrology newsletter if you enjoy a good giggle.
Caroline Myss is offering you a world of information on her site. Join her Salon and enjoy access to many video links, audio recordings and a variety of forums.
Links for folks who have illness touching their lives:
CFIDS: Working to make CFS widely understood, diagnosable, curable and preventable
Friends International Support: Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Interstitial Cystitis Network: A site that offers a variety of alternatives for folks with IC
Mesothelioma: A site for folks who are dealing with Mesothelioma. Offering allopathic support as well as integrative theraputic support.
EFT and Mesothelioma: Many cancer patients, including those with pleural mesothelioma, utilize emotional freedom technique for pain relief from traditional cancer treatments. While EFT is in no way a mesothelioma cure, it can also be beneficial in coping with the emotional stress and fear associated with this diagnosis. Learn more about mesothelioma, and how EFT can be used in comprehensive treatment.
Susan G Komen for the cure: Join the global Breast Cancer Movement~ This is an excellent resource!
Nice News~
Positive News: Positive news from around the world~
Ode Magazine: Online community for intelligent optimisits~
Good News Network: All good news that is fit to print!
Happy News: Real news. Compelling stories. Always positive
Heroic Stories: Restoring faith in humanity. One story at a time.
My favorite Internet Radio Sites~
Interested in Becoming a Coach?
The Institute for Life Coach Training is where I received my coach training. This coaching program is for folks who are already in helping professions such as Therapists, Social Workers, Educators, etc. This is an advanced training program to give you the skills you need to become an excellent Life Coach.
Dave Ellis offers excellent training for coaches and other professionals. My skills have been greatly enhanced by attending his trainings and workshops.
Just for Fun!
The artists on this site create beautiful cards, journals, art panel prints and more…absolutely gorgeous pieces with a touch of whimsical. Everything they create has just the right amount of sparkle!
This site has a creative variety of fun and beautiful e-cards to send to everyone on your list. Or you can send them to folks…just cuz!
Love…Love…Love this site. They have great clothes, funky furniture and really cool household goods. They are kinda on the pricey side, so look to their SALE sections and have fun!!!!