Here are a few of my specialties:

BODY ISSUES: Whether you are trying to lose weight, get some consistent exercise, or deal with some serious food cravings that are problematic for you, I have some amazing tools that can help.  These are tools that get results even with serious eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexia.  What I love about these tools is not only do they work, but I can also show you how to use them on your own.  This allows you to continue to clear out stuck energy and make progress in between our sessions. (more about body issues coaching)

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PARENTING: Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs in the world.  And if you have teens, you may have noticed that how you used to parent them no longer works.  They go to sleep one night, cute as a button, then wake up the next morning…as a two-headed fire-breathing monster!  You think to yourself…maybe they didn’t get enough sleep…but, “it” continues, until you can no longer deny what has happened.  It can be shocking.  “OH, NO!  My kid has turned into a teenager! I didn’t think this would happen to me!” I work with parents  to support them in discovering new ways to communicate with their kids while reclaiming their own lives…and finding some sanity. (more about parenting coaching)

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CHRONIC ILLNESS: Whether you are newly diagnosed with a chronic condition or have been living with a chronic illness for some time (diagnosed or not), it can be an incredibly overwhelming experience.   I work with people like you to help you redefine wellness in the face of your condition, developing strategies that meet your needs based on where you are right now! (more about chronic illness coaching)

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