Hello there! Remember me? I used to write a blog? It has been a gazillion years since I have last written anything. Well…that may be a slight exaggeration!

I am back from our fabulous vacation. My fella and I went to Carmel for a beautiful wedding and visited with many old friends. Then we cruised on up the road and stopped to play on our favorite beaches. We had a great time. The most amazing part of all of this, besides seeing old friends and being by the ocean, was that I was out of pain. No pain. None. Nada. All gone!!!

I was able to sit, walk, twirl, cartwheel, be in the sun, be in the heat, pick up luggage, put luggage down…oh my…the list goes on and on…it was fantastic.

*Note to self: Send surgeon a bouquet of flowers and my first born son as a thank you!

I am in awe that this nightmare is over. 5 years of pain. 5 YEARS!!!!! All gone…in a blink of an eye. Well, not really a blink of an eye….if so, that was a L-O-N-G blink!

But, I must say here…that I am one of the lucky ones…not everyone gets out of pain. How come me? and not all of the other folks I know and work with that have chronic pain? I don’t have the answer to that…all I can say is that healing looks like many things.

During my journey…healing took on many forms. During that 5 years, healing did not look like “no symptoms”. Just the opposite. Healing looked like many symptoms. Healing looked like despair. Healing looked like fear. Healing looked like hope. Healing looked like peace. Healing looked like watching a hellava lotta decorating shows. Healing looked like watching a ton of movies. Healing looked like tears and laughter.

It was resistance and it was being in the flow.

It was everything and nothing.

Healing takes on many forms.

It can be a very bumpy ride.

I am not just talking about healing physical blips. I am also talking about emotional wounds and traumas. Our lives are not linear and neither is our healing. So, where ever you are on this journey called life, I want to give you permission to find peace with where you are right now. This is not the same as staying where you are in your life. It is more about releasing the resistance to where you are….peace and resistance can’t live in the same place. If you have some peace…you have released some resistance. If you have much peace…you have released much resistance.

Once resistance has been softened, there is more room for your body and your heart to do what it does best.

What does it do best?


And remember….healing looks like many things.

I would love to hear about your experience with healing. Feel free to share them here or you can send me an email: whirldpeaz@comcast.net

Have a peaceful day~

3 Responses to “Healing Looks Like Many Things!”

  1. Yay-so happy for you! (And only a teensy bit jealous; like 10% :P)

    And so grateful for your generosity in sharing what you’ve learned, to help me on my journey.

  2. Yeah…I was wondering if this would inspire or trigger some feelings of ick! I guess a bit of both. Sending you oodles and oodles of good vibes:)

  3. […] Healing Looks Like Many Things! […]

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