Hey there cutie patuties :)

I decided mid weekend to stop taking the bioidenticals…Sunday morning I felt a little less IC pressure…this morning…none yet!  Wow!  What a difference a day makes!  I am going to give the herbal route a try and I will let you know how it goes.  But, for now I am basking in my ability to sit in my office chair with no pain or pressure.  Yay!!!!!!

So onward with Double Punch Sunday!

For those of you who work out, whether it is walking or yoga or the gym or running…whatever you do…folks tend to count how many days they work out a week.  Most folks try to get in 3 times a week and a really super duper good week is one where they work out 4-5 times.

My fella and I work out together.  We go to the gym, go on walks and sometimes (when I feel free from pressure) we have been riding our bikes.  We count the times a week we work out at the gym…we usually do 3-4 times a week.  If we are super energized we will go 5 times but, not too often.  I get sorta bored if I go to the gym to many times in a week.  Plus, I love walking and hiking and bike riding on the other days.

Recently we realized that we have been using Sundays as double punch days.  We count it twice 😉

Since most Sundays we go to the gym we count it as a day for that week….and as a day for the week coming up.  Sundays are bogos!  Ain’t that swell?  So, last week I only went twice due to all of that  icky yucky pain…but, I had gone that Sunday…so really I went 3 times:)  Yay me!!!!  And on a week that I didn’t feel good :)

I rule!!!!

Ah, the various ways that we lie to ourselves!!!! Most of the ways I lie to myself aren’t that creative…I thought this was pretty creative though!  You can borrow it if you want 😉

Speaking of ways that we lie to ourselves…Christine and I are focusing on this during our radio show today if you feel like joining our conversation.  It will be a fun and compassionate look at the ways we lie to ourselves and others.  If you aren’t doing anything around 2:00pm EST, Noon MT or 11:00 PST…come join us!

“Lying: What inspires us to lie? (Yes, we all do it!)”


If ya can’t make it, every show is archived so that you can listen in later~

*I have been told by my VA that I need to start talking about our radio show more…so, here ya go!

Have a fabulously active day!

2 Responses to “Double Punch Sunday~”

  1. Kids are great for that 😉

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