Archive for 'Humor…just cuz its fun!!!'

Greetings fellow Earthlings~

I know that you are going to be shocked.

I know that you are going to shake your head.

Your thinking to yourself: Is she really going to talk about the ‘M” word?


I am.

It is an alien conversation for this blog but one that has been in my cute little brain for awhile.

And these days I have lots of folks calling me and emailing me asking me about the ‘M’ word.  They are asking me how I do it.  It’s totally nuts. (more…)

Hi there everyone~

Winter is here…a few weeks early.  It is snowing…and gorgeous…and fer-eezing!!!!  You see, I am originally from California so, when it snows I feel like a big kid.  I run around the house, clapping my hands and singing “let it snow~ let it snow~ let it snow!!! ” I just can’t help myself.

This morning I sang my song holding my cup of coffee and looking out of every window in the house allowing optimal viewing from all directions.

I took a nice warm shower…singing more snow songs…hopped out and got dressed. Well, sorta.  I put on sweat pants and a warm shirt cuz I had to go to the mail box…I was planning to change back into my jammies as soon as I came back into the house 😉 (more…)

Okay.  So, my fella and I were goofin off this morning.  Hanging out with our crazy dog while she was chewing on a very big raw hide bone.  She was laying down in between us.  At some point she got bored of us laying there next to her…so she got up with her bone and headed to a new spot.

I moved closer to my fella. And laid my head down on his arms.  He laid his head down on my head.

Now, let’s have a group “ahhhhhhh how cute!” (more…)

Good mornin Ladies and Gents!

I woke up this morning, poured myself a steaming hot cup of delicious coffee and sat down to my computer.

“I think it would be fun to post a joke on my blog today”  I thought~

So, I went perusing the internet.  First I looked up “hilarious spiritual jokes” found a couple funny ones.  But they were a bit too religious and since I am not in an offense mood…decided against it~  Then I looked up “hilarious jokes”  and started to look around. (more…)

Well, it happened.

I am so relieved.

I was worried that it wouldn’t.

But, finally…it did!

At 2:35am this morning, I got my sense of funny back.  Remember I lost it here? (more…)

Hi there Cutie Patuties!

Both of my boys are back home for a brief “Hey mom…howzitgoin?  Got anything good to eat?”

My oldest son has spent the last handful of weeks hangin out with his dad in Arizona while my youngest son has been riding his bike (yes…bike) around the deserts of Arizona….ALONE…on his BIKE….since February!

This has been an amazing time for him.  And sure, I get it…I am a gypsy too…but I am his mom and prone to  making really great stories up in my head about ways he could die in the desert alone on his bike!

So, weird as it sounds, I spent yesterday cleaning the house from top to bottom to prepare for their homecoming (like they would even care or even notice)…oh, and stocking the fridge and cupboards with all of their favorite foods (which they did notice!). (more…)


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