Okay.  So, my fella and I were goofin off this morning.  Hanging out with our crazy dog while she was chewing on a very big raw hide bone.  She was laying down in between us.  At some point she got bored of us laying there next to her…so she got up with her bone and headed to a new spot.

I moved closer to my fella. And laid my head down on his arms.  He laid his head down on my head.

Now, let’s have a group “ahhhhhhh how cute!”

Within a few seconds, my fella sniffed my hair.

My fella: “You smell like your chillow pillow!”

Me:  “Oh no! I smell like plastic?????”

My fella:  “Well, actually you smell like my pensy-pinky ball that I had when I was a kid!!!!”

Me: “Well, that’s not good.  What’s a pensy-pinky ball?”

Then my fella went off on some story about this rubber ball that he loved to play with when he was a kid.  He compared it to some other balls and found the pensy-pinky ball to be the best…blah blah blah…

I was hopin we were gonna….you know….


Guess not.

Stories about pink rubber balls just don’t put me in the mood…

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