I am going to attempt a major trick this morning…after only ONE cup of coffee.  Well, if you must know…I have already poured my second cup.  But, I rarely drink the whole thing.

Is this a juggling trick?

Nope.  but, I can juggle…I am actually pretty good at it…once I get goin. 😉

Is this a math problem?



I am going to put a video up on my blog.


You read that correctly.

Shall I repeat it…I know it is a total shock for all of you!

I am going to put a video up on my blog.


Drum roll please….

The Uniqueness of Humans


It didn’t work.

If you click on the link…you will get to the video. I wanted the actual video to show up on the post.

Anyway….back to the video…

He is one of my fav dudes…Robert Sapolsky.  He is funny and brilliant.  He also has some fantastic lectures on depression, religion and all sorts of interesting topics.

Hope you enjoy~

P.S. WordPress dude…if you are reading my blog this morning…how do I add a video?????

P.S.S. Maybe I need that second cup of coffee after all!

2 Responses to “The Uniqueness of being Human~”

  1. good stuff

  2. Glad that you liked it Tara :) I love his work and I think that he is my biological brother!!! I wanna be his friend!

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