Archive for 'Another Blonde Moment'

I am going to attempt a major trick this morning…after only ONE cup of coffee.  Well, if you must know…I have already poured my second cup.  But, I rarely drink the whole thing.

Is this a juggling trick?

Nope.  but, I can juggle…I am actually pretty good at it…once I get goin. 😉

Is this a math problem?


Silly. (more…)

My fella brought home a lovely bouquet of flowers and since I was back to back with clients, I decided to put the flowers into a glass filled with water.  That way they would stay nice and hydrated until I could arrange them in a vase.

A few hours later, I had a break and created a fabulous arrangement in my favorite vase.  Put the flowers on the table and stood back to enjoy them.

Then I had a quick lunch and started to read my notes to get ready to chat with my next wonderful client.  After reading my notes, I did my lunch dishes and then noticed that I hadn’t taken my probiotic yet…so, I grabbed a couple (more…)

Hi there Cutie Patuties!

Both of my boys are back home for a brief “Hey mom…howzitgoin?  Got anything good to eat?”

My oldest son has spent the last handful of weeks hangin out with his dad in Arizona while my youngest son has been riding his bike (yes…bike) around the deserts of Arizona….ALONE…on his BIKE….since February!

This has been an amazing time for him.  And sure, I get it…I am a gypsy too…but I am his mom and prone to  making really great stories up in my head about ways he could die in the desert alone on his bike!

So, weird as it sounds, I spent yesterday cleaning the house from top to bottom to prepare for their homecoming (like they would even care or even notice)…oh, and stocking the fridge and cupboards with all of their favorite foods (which they did notice!). (more…)


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