photo credit: Shootingsnow
I recently received an email from a fabulous reader of this blog. She was wondering what was goin on? How come I stopped writing? Was I going to blog again? She had mentioned my blog to a bunch of her friends only to realize that I had stopped writing. Ooops. Sorry bout that!
So, I will attempt to fill you all in and then (I am hoping) that this will magically free me up to start writing again. Here’s to hoping….cheers
My last blog post was September 17th…that was when the organ came to live with my fella and I. Remember that? Well, the organ found a way into the house and has been enjoying a well played existence ever since.
The blog post prior to that talked about my mom. And as those of you who have dealt with this sort of thing in your own life know…demented parents become more demented. Things have not gotten better for her…nor for the rest of us. We have found her a lovely woman to come by a few times a week to care for her and that is a relief on many levels. But, this is not enough. She will be heading to a nursing home soon. Unless, she decides to head out of here before then. Which I hope she does. I realize that I have no say in this part of things. Her life and her death are her journey.
During these last couple of months, while my mom has been drifting in between the worlds, I have had many moments of deep healing. Between her moments of nastiness, there have been moments of forgiveness. During moments of bone deep exhaustion, there have been moments of sweet peace. After a day of 20 calls, I say something that makes her laugh…out loud. And the tension shifts. After days of holding her hand while she trembles in fear, she sees an old dead loved one walking through the house and sighs into some hopefulness.
I have been living with in some very intense contrast.
While my mom drifts between the worlds, my fella is playing music in his studio. New and fresh compositions.
While my mom drifts between the worlds, my son is planning his trip to Moscow to finish his last semester. Only 10 students are chosen per year (in the whole world). He was one of the chosen for this year. I am so proud of my son…can’t stop grinning when I think about it
While my moms drifts between the worlds, my other son is off doing his fun life. Workin, school and writing. I am so excited for him. He embraces life and follows his inspiration. I am so proud of my son~
While my mom drifts between the worlds…we bought a new dishwasher! Our old one died about 3 years ago. Not only did we buy a new dishwasher…but we bought new dishware! We were down to 3 dinner plates! So, we have beautiful dishes to put into our beautiful dishwasher Life is good!!!
While my mom drifts between the worlds…I have attracted a bunch of new fabulous clients. When I look at my calendar in the mornings, I am so excited to see all of the wonderful folks that I have the honor to work with. Folks that I have worked with for a long time, some for a while and some brand new. Life is good!!!!!
While my mom drifts between the worlds…I have been creating a fantastic new website with my brilliant friend, Carol Robin. It is called “Doors to Wellness: A community of healing possibilities.” We are going to be having interesting and intriguing conversations with well known folks as well as folks you may have never heard of…focusing on ‘What is healing anyway?’ Exploring this topic from many different perspectives and offering members fantastic resources and tools to support folks along their individual journeys. We are hoping to launch the site in the next couple of months I will tell ya more soon
While my mom drifts between the worlds…I have been co creating with my wonderful friend Christine, a 4 week teleclass that begins this January. “Doing hard Things: Making our way through the seemingly impossible.” If you are interested in learning more, check out my classes page or stop by Christine’s site~ We would love to have you there
While my mom drifts between the worlds… two very cool babes that I know…left. They didn’t drift…they died in a blink of an eye…or it seemed like it was a blink of an eye.
I realize, now that I am writing this all down…it has been a busy couple of months. Lots of wonderful, exciting things and lots of really sad, frustrating things.
And I am here riding this wave of contrast~ feet on the board. Sometimes, I feel steady and excited that I am riding this powerful wave. Sometimes, I loose my center and I am afraid that I will be slammed down by this wave.
Whether I stay on the board or not…the beach is really close.
The sun is out.
The birds are singin and playin in the surf.
And it is beautiful day~
December 9th, 2010
While your mom drifts between two worlds, we are thankful that she found you and that you found us!!
While your mom drifts between two worlds, the world has been a tough place to be solid upon, lots of people are having tought times, econimcally, physically, emotionally…
While your mom drifts between two worlds, I wish so much that I could be something for you like you are something for me!
While your mom drifts between two worlds, stay strong, true to yourself, and listen to your huband’s beautiful music and dance with joy!
December 14th, 2010
Thanks Tara! You are something for me:) I value our friendship and wish we lived closer~ Big hugs to you my friend~
December 22nd, 2010
It’s so good to read you again, Lynne! I was worried about your health. Someone on a message board asked about EFT, and I wanted to see what you were up to before referring to your website.
All the best!