About Lynne
“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as in being able to remake ourselves.”
— Mahatma Gandhi
My professional path has taken many forms over the last 20 years. Each path has been dedicated to some form of personal growth and development. My Life Coaching business is my way of combining all of my work, training, passion for growth and humanity, and my own life experiences into one focused place.
Here is a bit of my journey
Some years ago, I created a counseling program for students, parents and faculty at a high school on Northern Monterey County, CA. I loved doing this work. I noticed that my tendency was to focus on the strengths rather than the limitations of each person I worked with. I was very uncomfortable with the idea of diagnosing these kids and then going about “fixing” what was wrong. I also noticed that talking about past issues did not heal them. Instead, people just became numb/desensitized to the memories or issues and healing did not seem to be taking place.
I began exploring various theories and research on emotional health and well being. What was really working…and what wasn’t. During this period, I found out about a new concept called “Life Coaching.”
Life Coaching supports people in the present by focusing on the strengths of each person.
Life Coaching focuses on partnering with people, and offers a variety of tools to achieve clarity about what they want for their lives.
I had found my next path!
Training and Tools
I received my education in coaching through Institute for Life Coach Training (ILCT) as well as Dave Ellis’s program Falling Awake.
As I worked with more and more clients, I began to see that while life coaching was very useful, clients still needed something more. It wasn’t uncommon for coaching to expose the obstacles, habits of thinking and limiting beliefs that held people back from connecting fully with their lives.
So, how could I support people to get passed these obstacles?
I began to explore other integrative techniques that could address these obstacles. I found EFT (emotional freedom technique) and LEAP (Life energy alignment process). After receiving extensive training in both of these techniques, I started to use them with clients…with fantastic results. Healing was happening. I saw clients heal from all sorts of issues– overcoming blocks that they never thought they would get past– helping them discover more peace and joy in their lives.
A bit more of my journey
I’ve always been passionate about the humanness of people’s experiences, and what makes some people thrive and others…not. Some of this I’ve learned about in my own life.
I have tangled with a chronic illness for the last handful of years. This has brought me to places of self-loathing and self-punishment, on through to self-love and peace.
I have experienced being a single parent twice. Once through divorce and once as a widow. I have learned how to be a really good mom who sometimes sucks at parenting.
I have experienced many radical life changes: divorce, death, long term illness of my son, my own illness…on and on the list goes. Through these experiences, I have found ways to strengthen my optimism with each challenge.
I have learned that life doesn’t have to be perfect to be good. People don’t have to “live the life of their dreams” in order to have a dreamy life!
As a Life coach and Certified EFT Practitioner I work with:
- People who can feel life’s possibilities right in front of them but also feel like they are being held back by the same old limiting thoughts and beliefs.
- People who are struggling with childhood experiences, hereditary issues, aspects in their conscious awareness or cellular awareness – where revisiting the issues doesn’t seem to help – but they know that they need to get past these things in order live their best life.
- People dealing with illness or chronic illness (whether in their own lives or a loved one’s life) who want to find a gentler way of managing the chaos and stress this puts on their lives.
- People who want to transform their relationship with their body
- People who want a more connected experience with their own spirituality but they just can’t stomach all of the “airy-fairy” stuff that asks them to ignore the realities of daily life.
- Parents who feel like they are locked in a battle with their kids and their kids are winning
- People who want to have healthy and thriving relationships
My Philosophy
I am not interested in spewing out buzzwords or marketing pre-packaged systems for people to get their life totally in order and “live the life of their dreams!”
I believe that:
- Life is way more complicated than that. Life is not a five-step program that guarantees results.
- You can experience your own sense of peace and centeredness even when chaos is in your life (illness, financial strife, partners and kids who won’t act the way you want…whatever).
- You can have a spiritual connection, (whatever that means to you), even while fussing at your partner to put their cup in the dishwasher….geeze!!! Spirituality, enlightenment is not an “either/or”…it is an “and/both” state of being. Meaning – We can be spiritual and human at the same time!
Benefits of Working with Me
I support you to find inspiration and fulfillment in the now – before all your plans and schemes come to fruition! I hold your vision, even when you lose your grip on it…I will remind you of your brilliance and capabilities when you forget! I partner with you and help you clear the gnarliest of personal obstacles, so that you can fully emerge into your life.
I am excited to hear from you. So, give me a call for a complimentary session and let’s get started!
- BA in Developmental Psychology (minor in Adolescent Psychology) UC Santa Barbara
- Hynotherapist Certification: Twin Lakes College, Santa Cruz CA
- Life Coach Certificate: Institute for Life Coach Training
- Falling Awake: Life Coach Training with Dave Ellis
- EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique (Levels I, II, Cert I, Plus a ton of cool conferences and trainings!)
- LEAP: Life Energy Alignment Process (Levels I, II)
- I am also trained in meditation, visualization, NLP, and color alignment modality.