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Do you find that the same patterns keep repeating in your life, despite the self-growth work that you’ve done to get past them?

Do you feel like you are focusing on what you want, yet you keep manifesting the same old thing?

What if you could release painful experiences that seem to recirculate in your physical and emotional body with an easy and straightforward tool?

Are you ready to explore a modality that will help you make the quantum leap to a new way of being, in a way that is both gentle and profound?

EFT may be just what you are looking for.

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PLEASE TAKE NOTE: EFT is a very flexible self-healing tool that can be used for just about everything.  I am using my own version of it here and have had extraordinary results. Please feel free to contact me for more information.  The original version and complete training can be found at http://www.eftuniverse. This website has a huge amount of information so take a deep breath and dive in.

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EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is based on the findings that there are subtle energies that flow through the body. As with acupuncture, EFT is a process that focuses on releasing “blocked” or “stuck” energy in the body’s system. Rather than using needles, as practitioners do with acupuncture, EFT uses your fingertips to tap particular meridian points. Tapping these points allows the “blocked” or “stuck” energy to flow more freely.

EFT states that: “All negative emotion is caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system.”

Clearing the disruption means releasing negative emotion.

EFT is a very simple and easy to use tool that has been profoundly successful in bringing soothing to a variety of themes that we as humans bump up against!

  • Safety Themes:  Areas of self talk and behaviors that are driven by not feeling safe in the world. If we don’t feel safe to change we cannot move ahead.  Or if we have fear around the consequences of change…we cannot step into new possibilities.
  • Identity Themes: Thoughts and behaviors that keep us hooked into our old stories about who we are and what is possible for our lives.” Who would I be without this?”  “I won’t recognize myself!”  “I don’t recognize myself or my life!“. These are possible identity themed thoughts.
  • Comfort Zone Issues: We all know what these are.  We get energetically accustomed to something being the way it is…and it just keeps coming back!  Different day…same outcome.  Different person…same experience.  More work…same amount of money!  Comfort Zones show up in all sorts of create ways~
  • Limiting Beliefs: Limiting beliefs are another little tricky thing that us humans get stuck in.  What is a belief?  A habit of thought.  Think something long enough, gather proof that you are right…and tah dah…ya got yourself a nice little belief.  But what if the beliefs you have been thinking limit you and your possibilities?

Any of this seem familiar?  EFT can be such a supportive tool when dealing with these types of human themes!

As a Certified EFT Practitioner, I can step you though this process in a lighthearted and gentle way.  Through our work, you will:

  • Discover an immediate sense of relief and a new found feeling of calm and inner peace
  • Shift your thoughts and feelings away from edginess toward ease
  • Feel hopeful about your now and your future
  • Create subtle and not-so-subtle changes in your life, almost immediately
  • Free yourself from old habits, behaviors and old stories,  creating new more inspiring possibilities for your life

Clients love EFT because of the results that they get.

  • Clients comment on how quickly they notice clearing from the issue. Once it shifts, they seem to forget that they even had an issue. Yes, it is that powerful!!
  • People appreciate that they do not have to re-live traumas in order to heal them.
  • Relief is, many times, experienced immediately. Clients report they feel better by the time the session has ended.
  • Results are long lasting. For many, results are permanent. Once an issue has been explored, along with the various aspects that tag along with the issue, have been cleared…the block is gone…for good!
  • There’s no waiting. You can do EFT by yourself. This allows you to tap on something that may be bothering you, right away.  Love this!!!

Check out more client testimonials: Kind Words~

Even if you tend to be a bit cynical about these sorts of processes, that is okay. EFT has a built in testing system. Testing is desired. Finding proof is desired. So, you can see and feel the proof for yourself!

Contact Lynne to set up a complimentary session~ this is her gift to you~ and experience what EFT has to offer you and your life!


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