Archive for December, 2008

This hilarious quote was shared on Jenny’s blog.  It begs to be repeated:

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off!”

Werner Erhard

Thanks Jenny!

Good day!

Now that my youngest son has skidaddled to Arizona, and my oldest son is off to work early in the mornings, my fella and I have fun crankin up the tunes.  Since my boys do not like the kind of music we listen to…we tend to wait until they are out and about. In our house, its not my fella and I saying “can you turn that crap down?”  It’s my boys saying it to us!

Anyhow, along with listening to music first thing, (more…)

So, yesterday I went out with my fabulous friend Christine to talk about our radio show.  We are planning to do a radio show together beginning in January (I will share more details as the date draws near:)).  Anyway, we were sitting there brain storming all sorts of cool topics to explore on the show when all of a sudden Christine says:

Christine: “Hey Lynne.  You know you can’t say fuck on the radio.”

Me:  “Did I just say fuck?”

Christine: “Yep, you did!”

Me “Oh shit…that’s really bad…and I didn’t even know that I had said it.”

Okay.  So for those of you who know me personally, (more…)

Greetings you fabulous reader!

Last night I woke up with a start.  It was about 2:30 in the morning and something woke me up.  At first I thought it was a raccoon outside our window.  The raccoons around here talk to each other in the wee hours of the morning.  Have you ever heard a raccoon talk?  Quite the trippy sound!  Anyway, as I lay in bed listening intently, there was no sound coming from outside.  Since I couldn’t quiet the pounding in my chest, I decided to get up and take a peek out the window.  Nope.  Nothin.  Not a raccoon to be heard.

As I was returning to bed, I saw something out of the corner of my eye.  Crap!  The boogey monster is back.  I jumped into bed really fast…cuz if I am gonna face the boogey monster, I want to have my blankets and pillow to protect me! (more…)


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