Hi there Cutie Patuties!

I was going to write about the energy of new beginnings…what we love about new beginnings and what we hate about new beginnings…maybe tomorrow.  For now, I want to share something hilarious that happened at our lawyers office.

Now, I am the kind or person who LOVES when funny things happen during times of stress…like say…signing bankruptcy papers!

Okay, here is the story:

My fella and I find out that our papers are ready to sign and that we need to get to the lawyers office quickly so that the papers can be filed that day.  Something about getting the particular trustee that was listed of that day.  I guess there are good trustees and really sucky ones.  I didn’t quite understand what the trustee even did but, this seemed important…so off we went.

We open the door to the office…I gulp! Started to feel some nerves…uh…actually, I was freakin’ out!  The woman at the desk kindly greets us.  Asks us if we had a good New Year. “Yep!  Hung out with friends.”  And escorts into the room where papers are signed.  This room is filled with a big huge desk, a plant, a couple of computers, and some printers….that sort of thing.  AND two chairs.  Two lonely little chairs, facing the big huge desk.  Oh, and there is a very formal woman sitting behind the big huge desk.  She signals us to sit down in the two chairs.

So we do.

The chairs turn out to be really small and short.  We pull them up towards the desk.  The big huge desk comes up to our chests.  Yep!  Our chests!  I feel like I am in 3rd grade, having been sent to the principals office for talking during religion class.  I, of course, start to laugh…I lay my head down on my arm and start to twirl the pen that I am going to use to sign the papers.  The woman (who turns out to be formal AND funny) starts to laugh.

Woman behind the big huge desk: “Uh, we ordered the wrong sized chairs.”

Me sitting in the little chair facing the big huge desk:  “Uh…ya sure did.  I feel like I am in trouble!”

My fella sitting next to me in the little chair facing the big huge desk: “Uh…so, let’s go through what we sign.”

Okay,  guess he was nervous too and not appreciating the hilarity of the situation.


We signed the papers.

As we left, I had to grin and appreciate that the gods have a great sense of humor.

At least to me!

8 Responses to “Sitting in the Principals Office”

  1. Hahahahaha! Methinks they ordered exactly the size chair they wanted: the whole intimidation principle! As one who spent more than a few hours in principal’s offices — heck, I still do — I can most definitely relate to the hilarity… You KNOW I would have laughed along with you!

  2. And that YOU can find humor in any situation!

  3. :)

  4. The image that you painted was *so* familiar to me, having visited the principal’s office more than most boys.

    I’m glad you were able to laugh about the situation!

  5. Hey there square peg guy…yep, I was in the principal’s office alot too. Those nuns didn’t seem to like kids to much…always looking to find the rule breaker which happened to me quite often:)
    Maybe that is where I get my sense of humor;)

  6. Hey Amy! Thanks for stoppin by!
    You and I both have a very twisted sense of humor! Must be that catholic thing…or that life thing…or whatever:)
    Love ya…glad to be playing with you on facebook!

  7. Hope they’ve got bigger chairs on order. Man if it isn’t hard enough to sign those darn papers, let’s really intimidate those bankruptcy filers and order little bitty chairs and a great big desk.

    I love how you always find the funny. Thanks for a good sized dose of the giggles! Love, Kerry

  8. Hey Kerry~ Yep…I got a knack for hilarity:)

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