Okay.  So, I get that I am just not as leading edge as I like to think.  The work that I do with my clients is definitely the leading edge…or the bleeding edge…of energy psychology. And I am continuously researching and reading up on new tools…etc…etc.  I love working with people assisting them in moving their lives forward.

BUT…along with this is the other side of my business.

The marketing side. Most all of my marketing is done on the internet,  which is a brain bender for my little mind!

I do pretty good with my blog.  I try to write at least twice to thrice a week (which is not so easy for me, cuz I am just not that prolific).  I visit other blogs and comment on the various conversations.  I really enjoy this part.  I love reading what other people write…sometimes I comment, sometimes I just quietly enjoy a good read.

I am getting ready to launch a fabulous radio show hosted by myself and my brilliant friend Christine.  You can check out more about our show on the blog talk radio link to the right of this blog! :~)  This radio show is something that I have wanted to do for years and I am so excited….terrified…AND excited! Planning the shows and figuring out the technology has taken up quite a bit of time.  But, I think once we get used to it, it will go smoothly!

I have joined Facebook…which you can also check out on the link to the right of this blog.  Facebook has been very interesting.  I am reconnecting with some folks I knew way back when and maintaining friendships from not so way back when.  I chatted with a cousin that I hadn’t talked to for many years.  And I have met some new people.  Joined some new communtities.  Then there was one time where I had to figure out how to “unfriend” someone who was kind of…hmmmm…sorta stalking me.

Recently, my good friend Kerry (who is a wonderful poet and blogger), helped me sign up for Twitter. I played on it for about 1/2 hour and then my brain imploded and that was that.  Twitter has been mentioned to me by my brilliant VA and also as recently as this Friday by another social marketing genius…Jackie.  So, this weekend, I went back onto twitter and it took about 35 minutes before my brain imploded. Hmmmmm…is that an improvement?

Oh ya…and then there are the articles that I need to write and the other internet social groups that I want to join where I can have conversations and write blogs and comment on other peoples blogs…and…and…and….ouch.

My head hurts.

Now I am not saying that this type of connecting isn’t fun…it is!  It is just a lot for my little brain to keep track of.

Maybe, I need to write a daily reminder list that goes something like this:

6:30am Check emails and drink a big bowl of coffee

7:00am: blog

7:45am:  Twitter and facebook

8:00-noon: clients

Noon: Twitter

12:30: go outside and run around and remember that there is a whole world out there too!

1:00-4:00: clients

4:00:  Twitter, Facebook, read and comment on blogs, checkout the other social groups that I have signed on for….BREATHE

5:00: go to the gym, or do some yoga, or go for a walk…or dance about or roll on the grass or do cartwheels or do a jig…just move your cute bod!

6:00: Twitter for the last time, Facebook, check emails, Poor self a big glass of wine and turn the damned computer off!!!!

I think that I am going to need more coffee…

So, this is directed to all of you out there who live in this internet world…how the hell do you keep up with all of this?

Oh, and what am I supposed to say on Twitter…I still don’t get it!?

SIGNED: spun out in Loveland, CO

1 Response to “Social Marketing is making my head spin!”

  1. My friend left me a comment that didn’t show up. This is just a comment test…

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