Archive for 'Mindless Chatter'

Tiger Swallowtail
Creative Commons License photo credit: wheeldog


I am back.


Where have I been?

Well, I have been traveling all over the world.  From England to Scotland to Ireland to Austria to Germany to Australia to New Zealand. I traveled through out Canada and all through out the US.


I am exhausted.

Actually, I am lying like a sack of potatoes.

I wish this were true.

But, alas…it isn’t.

I have had some major writers block.


I continue to journal.  I continue to do my morning meditations.  I am even working out again.

But writing a blog?

It just hasn’t been happening. (more…)

Well, it’s time to take another break from watching the news.  I just can’t take it anymore.

If I see one more pelican covered in oil…

If I see Anderson Cooper in one more tight black t-shirt (though he does look cute as a button!)…

If I see one more sad story…

I will fall so deep into a pit of despair…

Well, not that deep.  I am too much of an optimist to go to far down.  But, I sure have been getting my toes wet. (more…)

When I ordered my first  frappachino last year, l fell in love with the yummy tasty cup of delight…pretty much right off the bat. I realized that this could be a problem.  One cuz I rarely fall in love with a food or beverage in that way…and two because I rarely fall in love with a food or beverage in that way!

And because of the unusual-ness of this whole experience, I knew the potential for indulgence was great.

Why shouldn’t I have one of these yummy cups of cold, whipped coffee goodness every day?  I deserve it right?

So what if they cost a wad of cash for each one?

I could just order a small!

So what if they have a bajillion calories per small cup?

I don’t need to eat anything else!!!!

So what if it is totally politically incorrect to go to starbucks everyday?

I could do the drive thru and no one would know! 😉 (more…)

Hold to your hats folks…things are getting a bit wild over here!

First of all, we have been having some wind.  I’m not talkin about a breeze.  I am talking gale force winds that make strange creatures fly up into the air and hit ya in the face!  I made up the story that somehow this wind was gonna blow all of the allergens out of the air. Nope.  Ain’t true.  This morning our eyes are even redder then they were yesterday~

Where the hell did I put the visine????? (more…)

Dear Magic 8 ball…

Me: Am I going to be able to come up with some new interesting blog ideas?

Magic 8 Ball:  Yes!

Me: When?

Magic 8 Ball: Outlook is good (more…)

Hi lovely folks!

I just returned home from a fabulous workshop where I learned a ton of cool new tools, met some new friends and hooked up with old friends.  It was an action packed handful of days.  We ate super yummy meals…drank super icky coffee…and went on many walks and had many talks.  To top this all off was the location.  Sunrise Ranch. Gorgeous land, lots of trails, great vibe place….right below Estes Park.

There is lots to share with you about what went on during the conference…which I will be doing over the next few days…but, today???? (more…)


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