Hi there Cutie Patuties!

Both of my boys are back home for a brief “Hey mom…howzitgoin?  Got anything good to eat?”

My oldest son has spent the last handful of weeks hangin out with his dad in Arizona while my youngest son has been riding his bike (yes…bike) around the deserts of Arizona….ALONE…on his BIKE….since February!

This has been an amazing time for him.  And sure, I get it…I am a gypsy too…but I am his mom and prone to  making really great stories up in my head about ways he could die in the desert alone on his bike!

So, weird as it sounds, I spent yesterday cleaning the house from top to bottom to prepare for their homecoming (like they would even care or even notice)…oh, and stocking the fridge and cupboards with all of their favorite foods (which they did notice!). While I was cleaning, I decided it was time to get rid of all of the cobwebs that like to hang out on the ceilings.  My office is in the front room of the house and my youngest was gonna be sleeping on the floor and I wanted to make it nice for him.

I tried to hold the vacuum cleaner up while reaching the cobwebs…but that was a bit of a struggle.  So, I brilliantly thought…”I know, I will put the vacuum on my office chair, then I can reach the high places much easier!!!!  Yay me!!!  I am so darned smart!!!”   Oh, I forgot to mention that my chair is fabric.

I rolled the chair around with the vacuum perched nicely on the seat, suckin up the cobwebs, thinkin how nice everything was looking.  When I was done, I lifted the vacuum off the chair.

Guess what happened?

Go ahead….give it a guess!

Yep…not only did the vacuum suck up all the cobwebs, it also sucked up my chair.

Now, I have a nice big ripped hole in my chair and the stuffing was even sucked up.  Wow.  Good vacuum cleaner!!!!

So now I have a beautifully cleaned house, stocked cupboards, no cobwebs and my chair looks like a chair that was bought from a really bad garage sale.

Ah well, at least I entertain myself 😉

9 Responses to “Another blonde moment~ Brought to you by me!”

  1. How funny!! Thanks for the chuckles :-)

  2. Hey Sherlock~
    Anytime :)

  3. LOL! Oh Lynne…please tell me the brand of vacuum cleaner you have…I need one like that! 😉

  4. Hey Eleanore~ Nice to see you in this neck of the woods 😉 It’s a “hoover” and I got it from target about 5 years ago….for about $60~ Now I wonder if I can get a new office chair for that amount ;0
    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. I too am in the market for a vacuum cleaner!
    You are so damn sweet, gorgeous, humorous and smart!

  6. Hey Tara~ Nice to see ya here:) Hope you get a nice sucky vacuum;) hee hee~

  7. When asked at the vacuum cleaner shop “what kind of vacuum cleaner are you looking for?” My answer…. One that really sucks :)
    Love your stories (as the mother of 2 baby boys i’m getting an indication of “what i’m in for” LOL
    All the Best

  8. Hi there Emma~ Thanks for stopping by! I love having boys:) Though they do get kinda furry and smelly;)

    There is a special relationship between sons and moms…feels a bit easier than with daughters and mothers…at least through the teen years.

    You are gonna have tons of fun;)
    Have a great day!

  9. Yeah I love It, Can’t imagine having daughters even though I was one. LOL.
    With a dad like they’ve got (my beautiful husband) they don’t have much choice but to be furry and smelly one day!! For now they are divine little joyful beings (with all the tantrums thrown in for good measure)
    Thanks fro having me over.

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