Archive for August, 2009


Greetings ladies and gents~

Hope you all are having a fabulous Friday!

Today’s quote:

“Gravity is a contributing factor in 73 percent of all accidents involving falling objects.”

Dave Barry

I was happy to find Mr Barry’s quote this morning cuz gravity and I have been in a bit of a fussy way lately. (more…)

Welcome to my second installment of Tapping Tuesday!

I woke up late this morning…which is fairly unusual for me.  I am a 6:00-6:30 riser…and this morning I slept until 7:15.  Late Late Late….for a very important date!

What am I late for?

Writing this blog post.

And since I was a bit late….the first thought I had was….”Well, maybe I can just put this off one more day!”

Guess what ladies and gents?…that is gonna be our topic for the day!


So, sit back and let’s get to some tappin’! (more…)

Well, I have been sitting here wondering what to blog about.  I have an idea…sharing this hilarious thing that happened this morning with my fella.

But, do I have the right to share this funny event?

He might get embarrassed.

The problem is I can’t get the image out of my head.

It won’t go away.

I have been trying to get it to go away.

I have even taken out my notebook titled “Blog Ideas” and looked through that.

Nothin’ is sparkin’ my interest.

Except what happened this morning.

Ah well, I am just gonna have to share it.



Okie dokie….here is your quote:

“Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Now quiet! They’re about to announce the lottery numbers!”

Homer Simpson

Have a good Friday everyone :)

I have decided to add a new thingie to my blog….Tapping Tuesdays!  This will be the day that I give you all some dandy tapping sequences to use on various topics. If you have any topics that you would like me to cover…let me know :)

Since I work with so many people who have chronic illness…I thought that I would just start there.

If you are new to EFT/MTT (Meridian Tapping Technique…same thing as EFT just a different name) you can check out the tapping points here or go here to download Gary Craig’s free EFT manual. I highly recommend that anyone who wants to do EFT download this manual~  Great place to start! (more…)

Hey there Gals and Guys~

Hope you are doing well this fabulous Friday!

“You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.

You can steer yourself any direction you choose.

You are on your own and you know what you know.

And you are the one who will decide where you’ll go.

Oh the places you’ll go.”

Dr Seuss

Have a silly day going where you are goin’!

Later dayz!


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