Archive for 'Uncategorized'


Since the conversation about healing is in the air…I decided to steal the quote that Kerry posted today:

“Of one thing I am certain, the body is not the measure of healing–peace is the measure~”

George Melton

Hope your day is filled with peace~



Here is todays quote :)

“Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss”

Douglas Adams

Hope you miss the ground today!

Yesterday, I was chatting with my brilliant friend Alix.  She was asking me how the hot flashes were going.  I told her about the ‘pillow in the freezer’ extravaganza (read previous post ;)). I explained to her that what I really needed was a cold pillow and wondered out loud if anyone made such a thing.

Well, all I can say is that it is so wonderful to have smart friends who know a lot about a lot.  She is one of those friends :) Thanks Alix! (more…)

Good day fabulous dudes and dudettes!

Today’s “quote” isn’t really a quote….maybe it is.

Can a bumper sticker be a quote?

Well…anyway…here is today’s bumper sticker quote :)

“I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out” (more…)

Well, it has finally happened.

I never thought it would happen.

I hope it’s not permanent.

But, it might be.

Last night, after my millionth hot flash…at exactly 3:23 AM (more…)

There was a young mouse who crawled up my blouse….

Just kidding!  I am actually more of a t-shirt kind of gal :)

There has been this young mouse hanging out in our indoor/outdoor room.  It is about the size of a tiny cute ball of cuteness.  It runs around…stops…cleans itself (super duper cute) and then scoots outside to play with all of its friends.

One of the games this little mouse loves to play is “Sunflower Romp”. (more…)


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