Archive for December, 2007


For Your

 An Important New
Chakra (Energy center in the body )Has been Discovered!
Scientists have
found that all our problems can be placed under one heading:

Seriousness is the leading cause of everything
from Cancer to Reincarnation. 

Scientists have already
discovered a new source of healing this condition. 
It is a psychic energy point located between the heart chakra and the throat
It is called the
Clown Chakra
If people are feeling
miserable, if they have financial problems, if their relationship situation is
the pits, if they are in ill health,  if
they have a need to sue people, if they find fault with their brother, then
their Clown Chakra
is closed.

When this happens, the
scientists have observed under a high-powered microscope that the cells of every
organ display a sad face, and when the
Clown Chakra is open and functioning normally, the cells display a happy face.

The scientists realized that if a
person is ill, it is because his mind has projected guilt onto the cells of his
body and has forced out the love that is normally found within each cell of the
body.  The cells are therefore saying,
"I Lack Love," or " ILL" for short. The scientists also discovered that all disease
is due to the fact that the cells are out of ease or dis-eased.
When the Clown
Chakra is opened and working (or rather, playing) properly, the psychic mechanism sucks up misery, pain, anger, resentment,
grievances, unhappiness, etc., and converts the energy into tiny red
heart-shaped balloons.

The red heart-shaped balloons
contain Love and Joy. These balloons
are directed to the dis-eased cell or situation, and a happy face appears instantly.  When the light
enters the darkness, the darkness is gone. Sometimes these red heart-shaped
balloons are called endorphins, due to the fact that when anyone experiences
the feeling of
separation ends.

They experience
being back home with All That Is. 

Hence they are no longer an orphan. This is the well-known end-orphan effect.
So, if you think someone is attacking you, Clown Scientists recommend
that you visualize sending that person red heart-shaped balloons
 filled with Love and Joy.
Remember to always keep your Clown Chakra
 openand remember to keep laughing.
Beware! Seriousness causes reincarnation.


My friend Sheryl sent this to me…funny and interesting indeedy!  I wonder what it means if I am AFRAID of clowns?????????

Good day everyone!  (Imagine that being said in a light British accent.)

Woke up bright and early this morning…to a dark and lovely snowy morning.  I love this.  It feels so cozy and comfy.  Because it is so cozy and comfy….I just gotta have another cup of coffee.  I am supposed to only have one cup a day, due to an herb I am taking for this thingy that is going on with the ol' bod…I decided that since I have been eating cookies and chocolate for breakfast all week…maybe the coffee will help me digest all those sweets.  Ya know??????

So, I am sitting here with my second cup of steaming hot coffee…looking at the snow blowing softly out my office window…happy as a clam! 

I am definately a cheap date!

Okay…time to focus!

As January 1st approaches, many folks begin to take stock of the last year and make plans for the upcoming year.  Straddling the fence of the past and the future.  Making mental lists of accomplishments.  Making mental lists of those things that didn't happen. 

I have also noticed that folks use this time of year to beat the crap out of themselves!

I noticed myself doing this yeaterday!  It didn't seem to matter to me that I had a rough month of pain and that I didn't rip my clothes off and go screaming down the street!  It didn't seem to matter to me that I didn't strangle my fella or my kids during any of these clumps of pain.  It only mattered that I didn't make it to the gym or go on many walks this month.  My focus was only on the fact that my fanny was heading down south again!!!!

After beating the crap out of myself for awhile…I tuned in and heard what I was actually saying.  Yikes!!!  Let me put it this way….It wasn't pretty! 
It wasn't pretty at all!!!!!

This happens often with clients and friends.  It doesn't seem to matter how brilliantly they have lived their lives…they still find places where they are not good enough…not worthy enough…not loveable enough!  Fill in your favorite "not enough."

Now these critical voices have quite the long shelf life but we can quiet them down.  One of the ways to do this is build your internal gratitude muscle (or IGM for short).  This may take some time…but the more you focus on "gratitude", "appreciation", "postive aspects"…whatever words you like to use…the stronger this focus will become.  After awhile, that nasty little "not enough" voice diminishes.

One easy and powerful way to change your life is to start a gratitude journal.  I have been keeping one for years.  I don't write in it daily…a bit too free spirited for that!  But, I write in it at least a few times a week.  It reframes my life immediately.  My internal flow clicks in right away.  I can feel myself coming into alignment as soon as I begin writing.  It is magic!!!

If you feel inspired to do this…why not start right now!
You don't have to do this in a fancy pants journal…unless you want to.  I have a client who writes down positive aspects on post-its.  Just do it in whatever way that floats your boat!!!

Pick one…or two…or more!  Have at it!

*Write down 10 positive aspects about this year (2007)
*Write down 10 positive aspects that you appreciate about yourself
*Write down 10 positive apsects that you appreciate about your partner, your kids, your friends…who ever you want to personally acknowledge

The more you do this…the better you will feel. 

If you are a person who likes New Years resolutions, I invite you to add the resolution of appreciating yourself more,  appreciating your loved ones more, appreciating your world more….

I appreciate you reading this! 
Thanks and have a fabulous day!!!!

Hello there everyone~

I hope you all had a lovely holiday!

I am a bit hung over from the holidays. This last week was filled with shopping, movies, visits with friends, chocolate, hangin with my boys, more movies, more chocolate…oh and don’t forget the wine…and more shopping. Then there were presents to wrap, floors to sweep, toilets to clean…more wine…vacuuming, dusting, cooking…which for me means boiling water and cooking the pasta…oh, and opening the jar of sauce.

I have a Stimulation Hang Over!

I am not saying that I didn’t have a great time…I did! Love this time of year!

So, today…I worked with a few clients, took a bath, had a long meditation…which turned into a nap;). Had some more chocolate…which gave me a terrible stomach ache!
*Note to self: STOP EATING THE CHOCOLATE!!!!!!
Spent the afternoon in quiet. Ahhhhhhhhh quiet!!!!

As I read through emails today, I noticed that many of my clients were feeling the same way. So were the kids! One woman wrote me and said that her little boy looked at her and said: "I am tired mommy…I had too much fun!"

Out of the mouths of babes!!!!!

I am not sure what my point is…I am too hung over to be incredibly brilliant;)…

…but, if you are feeling a resonance with this idea of a "stimulation hang over," or SHO for short, I hope that you get a chance to have a bath, have a nap, read a little, rest a little and unplug!

On that note…time to turn my computer off and have a rest….
Ta Ta~

Greetings and Happy Holidays!

This year, December 22nd is our Winter Solstice here in the states. The word "solstice" is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (stand still). So, winter solstice is when the "sun stands still in winter." This is one of my favorite times of the year.

For many years now I have spent the Winter Solstice night sitting quietly alone in the dark…while my family is tucked away asleep. I light a candle, take out my journal and begin to write. It is a very private time for me. I love the dark quiet time…the shortest day of the year…the longest night of the year…for me it is a time filled with peace and deep internal connection.

The next morning I am ready for the celebrations of Christmas. Since we are not Christians, our celebrations focuse on appreciation of family and friends, sharing gifts and enjoying a lovely meal together. We usually get out and take a nice long walk enjoying the magic that is in the air. Now that my sons are older, we take in a movie on Christmas Day. In the evening we spend time with friends.

We are all so different on this planet…we all have such wonderfully diverse ways of celebration. I would love to hear how you celebrate your holiday season!

I wish you a lovely holiday season filled with wonder and gratitude~


Happy Holidays~

Hello fabulous readers!

I know it’s been awhile since I have written.  This last month has been filled with lots of energetic clearing and changes.  I am never sure how much I want to share about what’s going on with me personally in such a public forum.  I am sort of a private kinda gal!

But, I have decided to share some of it!

First of all, I am busy with a new design for my website…my fabulous friend Randie is helping me.  She did my first website with the "leaping lady."  Now, we are bring the leaping lady down to earth.  She stands strong and solidly on the ground.  Wait till you see her…she is fabulous:)  If you want to check out Randie’s work (she is a brilliant artist and web designer) go to:
I will let you all know when the new site is up and running!

The other thing that I have doing is preparing to climb Mount Everest.  Yep, I am meaning that metaphorically!!!!  We all have our own personal Mount Everest and mine is being front and center.  I am much more comfortable being in the background, highlighting other folks who love the lime light. 

Here’s what happened:
I got a call from a woman who used to be a client of mine,  asking me if I would like to do a radio show with her focusing on New Year’s resolutions.  For some strange and bizarre reason…I said "Yes."  Well, this "yes" threw me into some serious anxiety…I had to do some major EFT tapping!!!  Daily!!!! 

The interesting thing about all of this besides feeling like I wanted to run down the street screaming and ripping my hair out…is that doing a radio show has been a secret dream of mine since I was a little girl.  I loved listening to the radio.  As a young girl, this was before FM existed, I would listen to KFRC radio (this was a bay area station in the early 70’s) and sing along with the songs that I knew.  I would pretend that I was the disc jockey talking to folks over the radio waves.

Strangely enough, (a cosmic joke, I presume) is that the radio station that I was to do the show at is KRFC!!!!!  Spooky and cool all at the same time:~)

I climbed this huge internal mountain on Tuesday night.  It took an intense act of will to get me to walk from my car into the radio station.  Once in there…I was taken into "the blue room," given a headset and off we went.  I must say that I don’t remember much about it.  I know that I was sweating so bad that I decided to leave my jacket on! 

When it was over, one of the women came up to me and asked if I would like to do a radio call-in show.  Seriously?  You mean I made some sense when I was talking?  Before I could shut myself up I said "YES!"  It just flew out of my mouth!!!!!  She also invited to come back on New Years day…I said "YES" to that too!   

As I was driving home, realizing the magnitude of what just happened…what I just accomplished…I felt an overwhelming sense of personal pride.  I had done it!  I  had just climbed Mount Everest!!!!  My Mount Everest.  Not only that…I signed up to climb again!!! 

I want to take a moment to thank all of my
friends who know me and know what a HUGE ENORMOUS deal this is for me.
They said supportive things to me and burned lots of stuff to create a
supportive space…we are all such pagans!  Love to burn things!!!!  I
also want to thanks my sons, Ethan and Corey, who listened in and gave
me such loving support.  Also my fella, Mike who acted casual all week
long so he wouldn’t spook me!

When I think about New Years Day…I feel that anxiety pounding within me!  It has not diminished yet.  But, I get a sense that it will…once I get the hang of doing this radio show the feeling of climbing a huge mountain will transform into a light hike in the woods. 

Until then, I think I will wear a light jacket!!!!  (In case of further sweating!)

So, my fabulous readers…

What is your Mount Everest?

When you take a peek at this remember this is YOUR Mount Everest…not anyone else’s!

Think of that experience which scares the crap out of you…but, you still want to do it! 

The one that gives you such an intense jolt of anxiety that its hard to breathe…yep!  Thats the one!

Oh, and if any of you feel inspired to listen in on New Years day…the show from 5:30-6:00 mountain time.  You can listen live stream through the internet if ya want.  Just go to this link:
~ click on the link that supports the kind of internet service that you have.  It is a call in show…so if you feel inspired…give us a jingle!

Have a fabulous day!

Greetings lovely readers.

I have been intensely internal lately.  Doing lots of journaling.  Allowing what’s bubbling under the surface to come out onto the pages…into the light.  One of the ideas that has been floating around is the awareness that we are all living the dreams of the past.  We are living the thought form manifestations of our ancestors desires.

This shows itself clearly in all of the modern conveniences that we enjoy.  Some babes a gazillion years ago were bangin their clothes with rocks and hating life…wishing there was an easier way.  As each generations came forth…easier ways where discovered.  And now, we walk to our fabulous washers and dryers, pour in detergent…push a button and Ta DA!  All done! 

Living the dreams of the past expresses itself in so many ways!

I was working with a client last week (I will call her Sarah).  Sarah was raised with the belief system that one needs to suffer to reach the gates of heaven.  An old belief system passed down the line for sure!!!  Somehow God is hangin’ out keeping score!  Anyway, she has courageously worked through much of this religious abuse.  She has created a wonderful life for herself where she can write and live the freedom she so desires…but there is still a fear that she is NOT suffering enough to go to heaven.  So she can’t fully enjoy this fabulous life that she has created. 

Deciding to explore this fear from a different direction, we took a peek at a couple of her past lives.  In one of the lives she was a pilgrim…a young woman…who loved to read and write.  She lived with her father and this part of the life was fairly content.  When her father died, she had to marry and then her small freedoms were gone.  God said that the woman had to marry.  She had to follow the beliefs of her religion and community.  As we moved this lifetime ahead, Sarah sensed that this young woman decided to leave instead of living without any freedom….dying in childbirth or something like that!  Living the life that her religion and community told her she had to live…was just too much to suffer through so she left.  Brilliant indeedy!!!

The next life time that showed up was during World War II.  Again, Sarah saw herself as a young woman who dreamed of doing her art, living on her own, going to school to learn…being free.  When the war broke out, she had to put these dreams aside and go to work.  Here again, she saw the young woman suffering and putting her dreams aside.  When the war was over, this young woman had to marry…again living a life of obligation and suffering.  This life didn’t last long either.

Whether you believe in past lives or not is not important.  It doesn’t matter if this happened or didn’t happen.  It’s the metaphors that are key.  For Sarah, freedom is key.  Freedom to do art and express herself fully is a top value for her.  When her sense of freedom is altered she begins to suffer.  What she was able to notice is that she was now living the life that she had always wanted to live.  These woman that she connected with, wanted the life she now has.  She realized that she IS living the dreams of the past!

As Sarah sat in stunned silence, integrating this new awareness…I took this a step further.  Maybe…just maybe the thought forms of our ancestors are still in the air.  Maybe they still exist within us…and if so, maybe…just maybe it’s up to us to fully and completely enjoy all of this amazing abundance and freedom that we get to experience.  Our ability to appreciate all that we have allows our ancestors to receive some of the "all that we have." 

Cool session indeedy!

As I thought more about this and sat with this idea in meditation, I had a flash of something else.  If time is a figment of our imaginations, what if our appreciations and gratitude’s speak to those past ancestral yearnings?  Soothing those ancestral yearnings?  What if, as we acknowledge the wonders and everyday miracles in this life…our ancestors breath a sigh of relief and gratitude?

I get this sense of these time lines,
connecting to ancestors…the past,
connecting to this life..the present,
connection and moving out into lives that will come after us…the future. 

As I hold the intention of appreciation and gratitude, I can see these connections being soothed and healed.  All the way back and all the way forward…the ability to appreciate and be in gratitude goes across time…in fact, in this vision that I had…time didn’t really exist.  It seemed more about placement (the placement of past, present and future) along a continuum. 

SO, whattya think?

What do you feel about the idea that this life-time is a continuum of our ancestors lives…that we are living the dreams of the past?

How does it sound to you, the idea of being in appreciation and gratitude and by doing that you may be bridging the past with the present and the present with the future?

Can you see how this all inner connects?

Would love to hear some comments!

Have a connected day!


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