Archive for April, 2008

Hello there!
I am back…not totally back. But, back enough. Who knew that having major surgery would take such a long time to recover from? Obviously…not me! You see, I live in a very optimistic inner world (or should I say delusional?). Hmmmmm…I wonder!

Anyway, in this optimistic world, anything is possible. After surgery, I felt so much better (yes, you are reading that correctly), I thought that I would be able to get back to work in a week. Forget that I could barely stand up. Forget that I could barely sit up. Forget that I could not really do much of anything except lay on the couch and take percocet… (more…)

Hello there fabulous folks!

I know I said that I was going to write about my feelings and such regarding my upcoming surgery but, I have had so many of them that I didn’t know where to start. I am having lots of opposing feelings…lots of relief and sadness. Some grief and some celebration.

So, without further ado, I have decided to write a eulogy for my Uterus…oh and my Ovary!

I shake my head and wonder, why the hell am I sad about these organs being gone? I mean, this has truly been an abusive relationship. If you even want to call this a relationship. When we first met, it was in 6th grade. I had gone to the bathroom at St. Isadore’s (more…)

Hello there!

I hope you had a lovely weekend. We had a gorgeous day here. Sunny, warm, a slight breeze…birds a singin’…bunnies a hoppin’…people a rompin’!

As spring stirs the air, my thoughts go towards clearing clutter. Cleaning out drawers, closets (except the scary one in my office), and the garage. Anything that we no longer use or need is brought in front of the tribunal (my fella) for approval. He is a pack rat, and since (more…)

Hello there~

It is a gorgeous day here in Colorado. I know that there have been big storms around the country (US) and I hope this post finds you all safe and sound~

Today, I want to chat about the last show of “I Can Make You Thin.” Paul Mckenna focused on releasing cravings. This is a great next step when loosing weight.

There is a difference between (more…)


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