Archive for September, 2008


I am having a rough few weeks with writing…I have completed a few posts but, the rest of the time, I have felt blocked. I do some journaling, a bit of meditation…pour a cup a joe…sit down at my laptop and begin to write.  Within a few minutes, I am distracted.

This time I am not distracted by how pretty my nails look (oh, purty lavender pink) or by how messy my house is (was that a mouse or a gigantic fur ball that just went around the corner?). So, what the hell is going on in my little brain?  Well, I’ll tell ya. POLITICS!!!!  Yep.  Politics.

I read emails from friends (more…)

Greetings folks~

This week is National Invisible Chronic Illness Awareness Week. I would like to invite you all to check out this link.  There are interesting blogs to read, some very cool and informative radio spots too listen to…and tons of information. If you or anyone you know suffers from a chronic health condition, please spend some time checking this site out.

I work with many folks who have invisible illnesses.  This invisibility to the outside world poses some very intense difficulties.  Folks look fine…folks might even look great…but, they feel very ill.  We live in a very visually based world and this sometimes translates into people thinking that since someone looks fine…that they are fine.

I have a startling example of this.  A friend of mine went to her GP for some help with one of her conditions.  She had lost a bunch of weight due to a digestive condition…when she eats solid food…she is in extreme pain.  Well, this doctor told her that she looked great and that she must be feeling better.  Hello??? Are you kidding me????  She has to live on a liquid diet!

As I said…we live in a very visual culture…even in the medical profession.

So for those of you who suffer from these sorts of conditions, know that you are not alone.  Know that there are people who can offer you support.  Know that there are people who care.

For those of you who know someone who lives with an invisible condition, I invite you to check out: National Invisible Chronic Illness Week

More to come…

Welcome New Readers!

I have attracted hundreds of new readers over the last couple of months, since I moved my blog to WordPress.  Wow…this move has been amazing!

The thing is though…most of these new readers seem to be SPAM.  Some of the names are obvious like: Frank Srinkle…who wants to tell me about breast implants.  Then there is Anthony Fri98**@ who seems to want me to have my penis enlarged.  Oh, and I can’t forget Sally Smith who wants to tell me all about the scandel with Brittany.

Some of the names are not so obvious….I see in my email that there is a comment from some one new…and I get all excited.  Click on the name: Rose Trindel or Sam Samuelson or Sara Frugson…and then…darn it!  It’s SPAM again.  They don’t really want to comment on my blogIn fact, my guess is they really never even read the post!

Over the last couple of weeks, (more…)


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