Archive for November, 2008

First of all….I want to wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving (for those of you who are in the US)~  I am not big on the whole Turkey killing part of the festivities…but, I am into the whole pick a bunch of fruit and put them in a pie thing!  So while a large portion of the US is eating turkeys..I am going to be eating potatoes, stuffing and pie:)  YUMMY!

I want to spend some time focusing on gratitude…on positive aspects

…on silver linings. (more…)


Okay.  So after my long day yesterday of Facebook this and Twitter that and Podcast this segment and that…working with fabulous clients…oh and posting a blog…and trying to figure out why my IV coffee drip had stopped working after only 6 hours of constant coffee infusions….I decided to end my work day and take a bath.

I ran the water and put in some lovely herbs to make things smell wonderful.  I got in.  Took a sip of tea.   Opened my brand new “More” magazine and got ready for a nice read.

On page 21 I found this:

The Ultimate Outbox

Not that we are in any hurry, but it”s good to know we can opt for a biodegradable coffin when the time comes.  The ARKA Ecopod is made from recycled paper and comes in six colors.  Creator Hazel Selina used to run a natural birth center: “When I reached a certain age, I thought it was time to put my energy into the other primal event.'” (from $3400;

There are so many levels of interest for me about this. (more…)

Hi there~

Recently, I have been doing lots of things that are forcing my brain to engage.  I joined Twitter.  I joined Face book. I am working with my fabulous friend Christine on our radio show…which will begin in January…January 8th to be exact.  I will share more about that with you later:).  I am learning how to use blog talk radio….how to use our new snazzy camera that can actually put pictures on the computer!  I know…I know…everyone has been doing this for a long time…but, not me! Learning how to do podcasts (which will be on my website soon!), videos (also a new website addition)….and some other things that I can’t remember cuz my brain hurts!

My brain has been super uber engaged.

Something about learning technology that just makes my head…ummm…or brain….feel…hmmmmmm…like it is working really hard!!!!  I can almost hear crunching sounds in my head…sometimes it sounds like ice cracking…whatever this is…my synaptic responses are definitely creating brand spankin’ new pathways.

Now, because these pathways are so brand spankin’ new…the information doesn’t always stick.  After focusing REALLY HARD on learning how to log on to face book and write stuff…I went to bed all proud of myself, looking forward to playing with this again in the morning, only to wake up with my brain wiped clean.  When I say “clean”…I mean…completely clean.  Which means I had to relearn the whole damned thing again!!!!

So after a few weeks (more…)

I woke up this morning with a light feeling inside my belly.  The fella that I voted for is going to be the next President of the United States.  I am thrilled that so many people from different belief systems, from different religions, from different political views…from different histories…came together to elect this man to the highest office in the land.  OVERWHELMINGLY!!!!!

Yay us!  Yay this country!

Now…we have a lot of work to do to clean up all of these messes!

Time to roll up our sleeves~

How are you feeling about the results of this election?

Have a light hearted day~


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