Archive for March, 2009

By some strange twist in the universal DNA we received a chunk of change in the mail.  It was a big surprise and a nice one at that!  And since our bathrooms have been in need of repair since we moved into this house 5 years ago, we decided to use this universal gift to fix these problems.

The folks that built this house in the early 60’s seemed unaware that they were building on expansive soil.  They also seemed unaware that you need to use cement board when backing a shower or bath area.  Jump ahead a bunch of years and you have the mess that is our bathroom.  To remedy our little problem of cracking tile and a falling tile wall, my fella used some duct tape to hold everything in place.

Duct tape.

Ugly gray duct tape. (more…)

Hello everyone!

Have you ever heard the phrase “The Devil is in the Details?”  It’s a good one.  It is something that I think most of us have bumped up against.

So, without further ado…here is an example from my life:

Many many moons ago, I was at the end of my pregnancy with my first son.  One day I started to clean.  I cleaned.  I cleaned and I cleaned.  This was no ordinary cleaning.  This was cleaning closets, cupboards, tops of cupboards, top of the fridge, every place I could find where dirt might have been hiding. All I could think about was preparing our home for the new baby.

Cuz the new baby would REALLY care if the house wasn’t spotless! (more…)

Hi cutie patuties!

Have you ever noticed how when you say “Yes” to one thing….you say “No” to something else?  How “yes” and “no” are the same side of the coin?  It’s quite the paradox!

And how sometimes something that looked really good in the distance…so good in fact that a big huge “Yes” came out of your mouth….and then when it started to come closer, you found yourself thinking: “What was I thinking???”

This used to happen often when my kids were younger. (more…)

Hi everyone!

As some of you may have noticed, I have taken and unplanned break from blogging.  Between the maiden voyage of my radio show (which launched two weeks ago), a surprise check in the mail that has allowed us to begin planning a bathroom remodel (since the walls in the shower are falling down and we have them taped together, so they will not fall on us while we shower), and the mind numbing chore of getting our taxes together…all writing creativity sorta just dried up a bit.

On top of this time of totally cool experiences, numbers (ugh), great new learning edges, and a fun wad of cash to help us fix an enormous leak in our bathroom…I have been reacquainted with a bunch of folks from my past…through facebook. (more…)


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