Archive for 'Humor…just cuz its fun!!!'

Greetings earthlings! 

It is a cozy day here in Northern Colorado…a balmy 2 degrees and snowing!  I love working at home and on days like this…it feels even better.  It just increases the cozy factor by a gazillion!  Drinking a yummy cup of coffee, in my beautiful bone china cup from England, and having a conversation with you!  How cool is that!?

I know that some of you are waiting for my part 2 segment on "Your Truth,"  but there is a new truth that I just gotta chat to you about. 

This is an earth shattering truth.


We have visitors in our attic. 

Not the alien kind….but, the 4 footed furry kind.

They have been making noise on and off for about a month.  My fella and I took a peek to see if we could figure out who these visitors are.  We found something dusty that had some foot prints (or is that paw prints?)…on it.  Anyway, we don’t think they are rats…if they are we need to move soon because those are some HUGE rats…and they will be taking over the world soon!

We think that it might be either raccoons or squirrels.  We can’t figure out how they are getting up there.  Can raccoons jump?  I know squirrels can.  When they run…yes, run…from one end of the house to the other, they make quite a lot of noise.  So, they have to be fairly heavy.  They also talk to each other.  Which leads us back to the possibility that maybe they are aliens after all. 

Last night, or rather, early this morning…we were woken up by them again.  They ran from one end of the house to another…chatting about this…that…and the other thing.  My fella thought they were talking about the economic downfall that is happening in our country.  I thought they were complaining about the lousy accommodations that they have in our attic.  Dirty and dusty and not enough insulation to make a decent bed.

Whatever they were talking about…let’s just say that they had a lot to say about it.

My fella tried banging on the wall.

They became very quiet.

"Oh, good thinkin!"  I said~

We finally began to drift off to sleep…and the ruckus began again.

This kept us up for the next hour…when all of a sudden the sounds changed.

"What is that?"  We looked at each other wondering?  The noise had changed.  They weren’t chatting anymore…something else was going on.

After a bit we decided to get up and start our day.  My fella wondered aloud if maybe they were fighting and one of them got hurt…and that was the change in the sound that we heard.  As soon as he said this…we both looked at each other.

"Or maybe they were…you know…doin somethin else!"

We both grinned at each other…hmmmmmm thats kinda cute. 

Or is it?

Maybe our attic is just a hotel that they can…you know…have some fun in.  Or maybe,  they like our merger accommodations and  have decided to start a family.  In our attic!!!!!!

I don’t know.

I don’t even really know who’s up there.

I don’t have a clue.

I think that I had better take another peek up there and have a chat with them.  Its cool if they want to hang out while its cold. But, I am not too keen on the whole family thing.  If they want permanent lodging…they need to go to the neighbors house.  The neighbors won’t even hear them in their attic, with all of those dogs of theirs barking!

Our little friends have quieted down.  Now they are quiet…I don’t know if they are still up there or if they have taken off for the day to enjoy the snow. 

But, when they return…we need to have a little chat!

Enjoy your day!

Good day lovely friends!

I was going to chat more about "truth" and how it changes and morphs…but, I recently smashed into a new truth!  This truth is absolutely devastating.  I can barely handle it!

What is this devastating truth you might ask?

Here it is….drum roll please!

I have to stop swearing!!!!

Yep, you read that right!

I have to stop swearing!

I realized this on Saturday when I began my training at the radio station.  Right there in the training manual was a page devoted to what words I cannot say.  Now, most of them…I would never say.  But, some of them are my favs.  I am embarrassed to say that my favorite word is "shit" followed by "crap" with a "fuck" sprinkled in once and awhile. 

I know…I am a potty mouth.

I first came upon swear words when I was a young pumpkin doodle.  I must have been about 7 or 8 when I heard a string of them pouring out of my neighbors mouth.  He was not a very nice person…having recently been released from San Quentin prison. I kid you not!  Anyway, at that time I thought he was scary…which he was….so I was not into the string of words.  Besides, I didn’t know what they meant….probably had something to do with the fact that he had just gotten out of prison!!!

Some years later…at the wise old age of 11…I heard my brother use a string of words that were directed towards my mom.  Now, by this age, I was beginning to…hmmmmm…look for ways to individuate.  So, when my brother said this string of words and my moms head flew off… well, lets just say that I took notice!

I thought to myself: "Well, would you look at that!  Her head just flew off.  Hmmmmm I LIKE those words!"

Some time went by.

One day I was at school…a catholic school…and the Principal (she shall remain nameless), got mad at me for something.  She was a rather…ummmm…MEAN AND EVIL sort of woman and I was always getting in trouble with her.  Anyway, I did something to bug her and she swatted my bottom.  Yep!  You read that right!  Actually, I am being polite here.  She whacked my butt really hard…with her hand.  EWWWWWWWWWWWWW

I turned around to her and said: "Take your fuckin hands off of me!!!!!"

I know how terrible that seems but, she was really mean.  And she had done some outrageous things to some other kids in my class and I was afraid of her.  I had been practicing saying swear words with friends and this just seemed like the right time to say one at a mean old witch!!!!

Well, lets just say that her head flew right off.  She whipped around, grabbed me and threw me into her office.  I didn’t realize at the time that swearing AT someone, might make things worse.  I just wanted to see her head fly off!

I won’t tell you what happened next.  Let’s just say, I got into a shit load of trouble and had to say a zillion "Hail Mary’s" and a billion "Our Father’s."
…BUT, she NEVER laid a hand on me or on anyone else in my class after that.

As I grew older, into my teens…I only swore at people who were being really rotten.  The rest of the time I would use swear words as….hmmmmmm…let’s say I used them as embellishment.

In my early 20s I gave birth to my wonderful son Ethan and I decided that I would never swear around him.  By the time Corey was born, two years later, I had kicked the habit…at least around them.  Around my friends, I still enjoyed an embellishment now and again. 

I have given permission through out my life to many people, allowing them to embrace the freedom and fun of swearing.  My friend Kerry still reminds me of how I "taught" her to enjoy swearing.  Well, when you have little kids, and you are a full time student…one NEEDS to be able to go out with a girlfriend and let loose a bit.  Ya know??????

As the years went by, my boys rarely heard me swear.  Once in awhile a favorite swear word would slip out if I hit my head on the cabinets or something like that.  My boys would look at me with horror:  "Mom, you just said the "s" word!"

I still swore around friends and some clients who found this to be therapeutic!  I had a weird kind of ability to control it. 

Once the boys got older….I am talking over 18 years old…I decided that it was okay to swear around them.  To their shock…I started to say "shit" sometimes…sprinkled with "crap" now and then.  When I was being really outraged I would say the "F" word.  I say this word ALOT when I hear our stupid president open his mouth!  But, that is another blog!!!

Since the boys have moved out into their own places…I have begun to swear like a sailor again.  Its just SO MUCH FUN!!!!! 

Well, time to stop!

I am going to have my own radio show…I CAN"T be swearing!  Since it’s public radio…swearing is a BIG no-no! 

I was mentioning this to a client and she was so bummed.  She said "You can’t stop swearing!  You are my swearing buddy!"  Another client said: "Well, I don’t know if we will be a good match anymore if you stop swearing!"  Hmmmmmm interesting!
I guess that my swearing has freed up others to swear and they find it very supportive.  Well, in THAT case….I can’t just stop!!!!

I guess I am going to have figure out how to restrain myself when I am on the radio. Hey, I was able to do it when my kids were growing up…how hard can it be?  I mean really!!!!!!  I have control over myself.  Right?  I am an adult.  I have a say over the kind of crap that comes pouring out of my mouth.  Right?  Oops…I mean: "I have a say over the kinds of words that come pouring out of my mouth." Right?

Uh oh….I think this MIGHT be harder than I thought!

Wish me luck!!!!

Hi there fabulous folks!

I was reading one of my favorite blogs:, written by one of my favorite friends…and she was discussing a hilarious issue with underwear.  I thought…"I can add to this conversation!"

So, here I go!

In the mornings when my fella is getting dressed, he opens his drawers, holds up a pair of socks and exclaims with glee:  "I have proof of a higher existence!!!!!"  He then excitedly puts on his socks.  On days, when the socks are not so obviously in abundance…he will look around in the nooks and crannies and find that perfect hidden pair and hold them up with glee:  "More proof of a higher existence!!!!!!"  If there are no socks to be found…not even in the magical secret places found in the back of the closet, he looks all sad and forlorn and says "Bummer…there is no god!"

I can appreciate a dude with such a whimsical view of a higher and All-Powerful Being.  This Being is the magical dispenser of socks!  Makes sense to me!!!!!

Well recently, with all of the holiday fan fare….this All-Powerful Being was NOT doing its job…because sadly there have been no clean socks…or underwear for that matter. 

I looked at my fella:  "What are we to do?"

He looked at me:  "I don’t KNOW!!!!!!"

We pondered for a bit…and decided to look even farther back in the closet…where, yes folks, there were some hidden socks and one pair of underwear.

Proof of a Higher Existence!!!!


For Your

 An Important New
Chakra (Energy center in the body )Has been Discovered!
Scientists have
found that all our problems can be placed under one heading:

Seriousness is the leading cause of everything
from Cancer to Reincarnation. 

Scientists have already
discovered a new source of healing this condition. 
It is a psychic energy point located between the heart chakra and the throat
It is called the
Clown Chakra
If people are feeling
miserable, if they have financial problems, if their relationship situation is
the pits, if they are in ill health,  if
they have a need to sue people, if they find fault with their brother, then
their Clown Chakra
is closed.

When this happens, the
scientists have observed under a high-powered microscope that the cells of every
organ display a sad face, and when the
Clown Chakra is open and functioning normally, the cells display a happy face.

The scientists realized that if a
person is ill, it is because his mind has projected guilt onto the cells of his
body and has forced out the love that is normally found within each cell of the
body.  The cells are therefore saying,
"I Lack Love," or " ILL" for short. The scientists also discovered that all disease
is due to the fact that the cells are out of ease or dis-eased.
When the Clown
Chakra is opened and working (or rather, playing) properly, the psychic mechanism sucks up misery, pain, anger, resentment,
grievances, unhappiness, etc., and converts the energy into tiny red
heart-shaped balloons.

The red heart-shaped balloons
contain Love and Joy. These balloons
are directed to the dis-eased cell or situation, and a happy face appears instantly.  When the light
enters the darkness, the darkness is gone. Sometimes these red heart-shaped
balloons are called endorphins, due to the fact that when anyone experiences
the feeling of
separation ends.

They experience
being back home with All That Is. 

Hence they are no longer an orphan. This is the well-known end-orphan effect.
So, if you think someone is attacking you, Clown Scientists recommend
that you visualize sending that person red heart-shaped balloons
 filled with Love and Joy.
Remember to always keep your Clown Chakra
 openand remember to keep laughing.
Beware! Seriousness causes reincarnation.


My friend Sheryl sent this to me…funny and interesting indeedy!  I wonder what it means if I am AFRAID of clowns?????????


Okay…so, I thought this was hilarious.  I stole this from Gary Craigs newsletter!

I hope you get a chuckle:)
Thanks Gary!


The Los Angeles Police Dept., the FBI and the CIA are all trying to
prove that they are the best at apprehending criminals. The President
decides to give them a test. He releases a rabbit into a forest and
each of them has to catch it.

TheCIA goes in. They place animal informants throughout the forest.
They question all plant and mineral witnesses. After three months of
extensive investigation, they conclude that rabbits do not exist.

The FBI goes in. After two weeks with no leads, they burn the
forest, killing everything in it — including the rabbit — and make no
apologies. Their press release on their "successful operation" notes
"The rabbit had it coming."

The LAPD goes in. They come out two hours later with a badly beaten
bear. The bear is yelling, "OK, OK — I’m a rabbit, I’m a rabbit!"

Author Unknown

Hello fabulous folks.  I hope you are all doing dandy!

I was on the phone with a friend of mine and we were chatting about relationships.  Relationship with our fellas, changing relationships with our kids, long term relationships that were near and dear, relationships that were short and sweet,  relationships that were not so sweet. 

We were getting into talking about the vibrational match of relationships…when I looked up to see my fella pouring milk into his bowl of cereal.

I gave him a big grin. He returned my grin.  He put the cap on the milk and proceeded to put the milk jug into the pantry. 


The pantry!

Now, maybe I am SO stunning when I grin…and he wasn’t able to focus;) but, I’m guessing probably not!

I cleared my throat~
"Ah Mike…the milk might like it better in the fridge!"

Mike (laughing)
"Oh right…I don’t know what I was thinking!"

Then he danced over to the fridge and put the milk away.


A vibrational match to me for sure!!!!!!


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