Archive for August, 2007

I first want to apologize for yesterdays blog set up….I realized this morning that because of my blog design, all the words from Claudia’s write up couldn’t be seen.  You can read all of the ezine on her site:

Since Self Sabotage is up right now and the possibility to break free from some old habits is clearly a part of this energy…lets talk a bit about what self sabotage is. 

Have you already clicked away?  If you decide to stay….I will make this as light and interesting as I can!

According to Caroline Myss in her book Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential  the archetype of The Saboteur is "the Guardian of Choice."   Here is a quote from Caroline’s book:  "…the Saboteur archetype is a neutral energy within you that usually makes itself known through disruption.  It can sabotage your efforts to be happy and successful if you are not aware of the patterns of thought and behavior that it raises in you.  It can cause you to resist opportunities.  The Saboteur is the mirror that reflects your fears of taking responsibility for yourself and for what you create."

Ring any bells?


One of the ways I still sabotage myself is when I receive an acknowledgment for some thing that I did well…I tend to reflect that acknowledgment back to the person giving it to me.

It goes something like this:

Other Person:  "Oh Lynne, you have helped me so much.  There are not many people that I feel so supported by and not judged by.  Thank You for all that you do!"

ME:  "Ah well, it is you who is doing the work.  Right back at ya babe!" (or dude…whichever the case may be!)

This is totally the voice of my saboteur who refuses to take responsibility for a job well done.  I appreciate that I can hear this voice now…and once take notice of it…I can shift it.  Sometimes, I am even able to say "Thank you so much!  I love our work together too!"

Baby steps for sure!!!!

Since the Saboteur is the "guardian of choice" it is one of the players in our ability to survive in this physical world.  The less choices we have….the less freedom we feel.  The less freedom we have the more we feel that our survival is somehow threatened.  The shadow of the Saboteur is showing up when we take actions that shut down our ability to choose things that allow our spirits to thrive. 

Think of the Shadow Saboteur as "of the mind."  The Shadow voice tends to talk from the voice of fear and feels very constrained.  The "Guardian of Choice" is more connected with intuition…with inspiration…with that which feels expansive rather than contracting. 

Remember to that intuition ALWAYS  ALWAYS ALWAYS feels like expansion!  It DOES NOT come as a voice of warning!!!!!!

Instead our intuitive voice says: 

"Oh, lets turn left today and stop by that store and see if that shirt is on sale!"
Once at the store you find that the shirt is gone but one that fits you even better is there and at the perfect price.  And on top of that…you find out that if you had gone straight home you would have sat in a traffic jam.

Intuition feels like choice….feels like freedom…feels like expansion.

Okay….so, here are a few questions that you can ask yourself to explore your Saboteur.

*Does this thought/feeling/action feel expansive or contracting?
*Does this action bring a sense of thriving?
*Does this thought/feeling/action bring me a feeling of bondage or freedom?

Look to the thoughts that shut you down and threaten your feelings of thriving….those just may be the Shadow voice of the Saboteur. 

Remember also…that this exploration is NOT about beatin the crap out of yourself…this is a neutral energy.  Think of it as more of a navigational instrument…it will tell you exactly where you are in your thoughts.  It will tell you exactly what you are afraid of.  With this knowledge you can then explore the thoughts that bring you a sense of thriving…of freedom.

If your Saboteur has been running the show in certain areas of your life for awhile…the first step is to take note.  What is the fear that is driving the shadow? 

There are some excellent modalities that clear fears out of the energy system.  EFT and LEAP are the ones I use…you could also try some Art Therapy, Healing Touch, Reiki, or even Yoga…whatever resonates with you.  Clear the fear…and that will lead to more choices…which will lead to a greater sense of freedom!

This is the time to look at this energy…it seems as though the energy of the planet, and the stars are aligned to help support this process!

Give me a call if you want some support!  This is definitely one of my specialties! 

Well folks, I KNOW that I am late in talking about this…in fact, as you read this it probably has already passed.  The information is still interesting and the astrological significance is worth noting…and possibly doing a little thinking about the possibilities!

What the hell am I talking about…you might ask?

On August 28th there will be a total lunar eclipse.
Here are the times…in case you are having insomnia while reading this and you want to check it out!


PARTIAL ECLIPSE BEGINS:  1:51am PSD * 3:51am MST * 4:51am EST
TOTAL ECLIPSE BEGINS:    2:52am PSD * 3:52am MST * 5:52am EST
TOTAL ECLIPSE ENDS:      4:23am PSD *  5:23am MST * 6:23am EST       
PARTIAL ECLIPSE ENDS:    5:24am PSD *  6:24am MST

As I look outside right now here in Loveland, Colorado…we are having cloud cover.  I am not sure that I will be able to witness this cool event…but, I am gonna get up a give it a go!  If I can…and you decide to check it…lets say "HI" to each other while witnessing this amazing event:)

Bringing this a bit closer to home…meaning…how will this lunar event effect you personally, here is some of the jist of whatz happenin’!

This is copied from Claudia over at "Moonsurfing Ezine"


Get ready
for an emotionally disruptive Full Moon!

A total lunar eclipse pops the
tail end of a farewell to old self-sabotaging habits and patterns… and an
extremely challenging planetary set-up is divinely designed to trigger that
transition. It all tells you that you’ve arrived at a radical turning point and
change is a must.

You’ve undoubtedly felt the tense high-strung energies
building up for the past couple of weeks. I know I sure have. The Sun in Virgo
and Moon in Pisces respectively call for a balance between inspiration and
perspiration… between your dreams and the way you stay positively focused on
what’s really essential.

Four planets in mutable signs (read change,
change, change, change) challenge each other asking you to reflect on the
thoughts, beliefs, habits, and feelings that you put your energy towards so you
can turn a major corner or two… or four. Which ones support a world of unity
and a life of inner peace and which keep you disconnected and back-pedaling away
from the life you really want? What you focus on will definitely expand now.

The normal flow is being disrupted so old patterns can be broken up once
and for all. Remember that lunar eclipses are emotional and internal, so that’s
where the biggest changes have to take place now.

You’ll find clues to what this dynamic energy is asking you to recognize
and release by looking back in your lunar journal to March 18th when a New Moon
in Pisces rocked your world with a Solar Eclipse. You put forth intentions then
to say goodbye to undermining emotions, escapist habits, and limiting beliefs so
you could focus positively and create an all-’round healthier life. This is your
wake up call regarding how well you’ve done.

Now look all the way back
to August 27, 1988. Revisit what was important then and ask yourself what’s
calling you now. You’ll become aware of what you’ve got to complete, where more
faith and focus is needed and what still gets in your way. Focus on what your
heart tells you is true for you now. Flexibility, deep full breaths, compassion
and empathy are important tools to guarantee sanity. This is a very stressful
set up and nerves could be tightly wound, so patience and flexibility are
definite virtues.

A monster solar eclipse will pop major stuff and a brand new beginning
at the time of the next New Moon on 9/11, so don’t wait… be prepared to make
the most positive use of this awesome energy by joining our worldwide lunar
journaling circle today.

Even though this is an undeniably challenging
Full Moon, I always look at eclipses as cosmic opportunities, so remember that
this disruption and revelation of old emotional patterns and habits actually
collapses time and space for the length of the eclipse opening a portal.
Significant breakthroughs are promised, but you’re the one who has to step

Those of you with Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, or Sagittarius energy
predominant in your chart will feel this most keenly, but all of our lives are
being shaken up and prepared for a giant leap in more than one area.

If you’re feeling exceptionally frazzled… nerves
stretched to the max… don’t panic. Even with all the tension and challenges,
if you’re ready to surrender to your greater plan, release worry, focus, and put
a practical plan under your dreams, then this should be a good eclipse… even
though it will require you to say goodbye to some things. Emotional upheaval or
breakthroughs… both are possible.

While I’ve been writing this, my
computer has crashed again and again and the file seemed to be lost an equal
number of times. Repeated surrender to Spirit was key and that’s also what eases
your path at the time of this Full Moon. So don’t let all this energy make you
have a heart attack… open your heart, surrender your mind and nervous system
to spirit and really get in touch with what’s essential in your life.

Spirit does have a plan for you, but you’ve got to tune in. Intuition is
exceptionally high now, so keep your intuitive antennae turned up, take time to
reflect and be receptive and the messages you need will come flowing through.

Remember that you’re being asked to take a giant leap of faith and
radically depart from the past in some way. So employ radical compassion,
forgiveness, patience, flexibility, and accept change.

As T.S. Eliot
said… "Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far
one can go."

Thanks Claudia!
I recommend checking out her website and signing up for her ezine if you resonate with this sort of information!

Okay…then!  Lots of movin’ and a shakin’ goin’ on!
This conversation ain’t over!

Bye for now~

I apologize for the delay of this weeks Tarot Card.  I usually pull the card on Sunday evening and then write about it.  Instead of blogging I was out celebrating my birthday with a fabulous group of babes!  One of the areas of my life that is filled with abundance is my friends.  I have amazing friends and I love them all so much.  Not too shabby indeedy!!!!!

Without further ado….here are the cards for the week.

This week I pulled from Doreen Virtues Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards.

Two cards came flying out as I shuffled:  Aphrodite and Mother Mary


Inner Goddess:  "Awaken the goddess within you through dance, self care, and appreciating your divinity."

Message From Aphrodite:  "Allow your inner feminine wisdom and dynamic beauty to rise to the surface.  Cherish its power and meaningfulness.  No mater whether your physical body is male or female, you have an inner femininity that nurtures you, and guides you with its intuitive principles.  Now is the time to become aware of, take excellent care of, and celebrate your magnificence!"

Various Meanings of This Card:  Balance your male energy with more female energy * Take steps to heal your sexuality * Enjoy being feminine * Dance more often * Be receptive * In relationships, allow your softer side to come forward * Don’t hide your femininity (dress in a more feminine way, for example).

About Aphrodite (pronounced Af-roh-DY-tee):  Aphrodite is the Greek goddess of passion and love, who’s associated with the planet Venus.  Aphrodite’s name means "foam born," as legend says that she sprang from her father Uranus’s castrated genitals, which were cast into the ocean.  Thus, Aphrodite represents unabashed female sexual energy.  Aphrodite helps women feel comfortable with their bodies and sexuality.  She helps both genders to experience more passion in their relationships, and to become more balanced as far as individual male-female energy is concerned.

And now for the second card….


Expect a Miracle:  Have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered."

Message From Mother Mary:  "Faith is the light that illuminates your pathway.  Without faith, the future looks very frightening.  That’s why it’s essential for you to take whatever steps are necessary to keep your mind and heart filled with faith.  Please don’t give up hope on yourself or other people.  Keep the candle of faith burning within your soul, as the one small inkling of hope can eradicate the darkness of despair.  Be the light that eliminates someone else’s gloomy hopelessness as well.  For as you make others stronger, it strengthens not only yourself but the entire world."

Various Meanings of This Card:  Let go of worrisome thoughts * Keep your thoughts positive * Notice and follow and Divine guidance you may receive * Pray * Engage in spiritual healing.

About Mother Mary:  She’s the beloved mother of Christ who’s known as the "queen of the angels" for her ongoing and miraculous healing work.  Mary works closely with anyone who is a child advocate, teacher, or healer.  She loves children, and is devoted to making the world a safe and happy place for them.  If you’d like to help children, ask Mother Mary for a Divine assignment.

Wow…interesting combination. 

This reminds me of some of the inner conflicts that I have felt, and sometimes still feel, and conflicts that I know others experience.  These conflicts were very strong when I had small children.  After a day of school, barf and diapers…I could not connect with my inner passion.  I just felt sucked dry.  I was definitely connected with the "doing for others" side of life….but my own inner goddess world was tucked away. 

Connecting with my inner goddess was like:
"Are you f*cking kidding me?  I just want to go to sleep!"


"Wear something beautiful and feminine?  Are you kidding me?  Everything I own has barf on it!"


"Nurture myself?  Maybe after I get the boys fed, bathed, changed, fed again…oh, changed again…ugh…bathed again…fed again…crap, gotta do laundry…now I need to write my term paper…"

What is interesting to me about how these two cards work together is that when folks disconnect from a passionate life, a life filled with personal expression and beauty….there is sometimes a disconnection with faith.  There is a feeling of internal chaos…and an inability to connect with inner light and/or to connect with the light in others.

Lives are very busy.  Work, kids, houses to keep up with, bills to pay, people to take care of, on and on….sometimes this intensity of our lives "busy-ness" leads some to feel hopeless and disconnected with passion. 

So, dear readers…I invite you to sit quiet for a moment and listen to the wisdom these two goddesses have to share with you personally.  These cards are for you!  If your thoughts wander towards other people; "Oh man, my friend really needs to hear this!" or whatever…bring your thoughts back to yourself.  YOURSELF!!!!  YOU!!!!! 

What does Aphrodite want to say to you?

Does she have words of wisdom that might expand your connection to more passion?

Is there something that you could do, right now, that would bring a deeper connection of beauty into your life?

What does Mother Mary want to say to you?

Does she have some words of wisdom that might connect you more fully to faith…to the knowing that all is well?

Is there something that you could do, right now, that might tune you in more deeply with your own inner Divine guidance?

Would love to hear from you:)
Have a fabulous day!

Because this is my blog and I can do whatever I want…I decided to steal another joke from Gary Craigs newsletter…I thought it was kinda cute…hope you do to:)

Beethoven’s Grave

When Beethoven passed away, he was buried in a churchyard.

A couple days later, someone was walking through the cemetery and
heard some strange noise coming from the area where Beethoven was
buried. Terrified, he ran and got the priest to come and listen to it.

The priest bent close to the grave and heard some faint,
unrecognizable music coming from the grave. Frightened, the priest ran
and got the town magistrate.

When the magistrate arrived, he bent his ear to the grave, listened
for a moment, and said, "Ah, yes, that’s Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony,
being played backwards."

He listened a while longer, and said, "There’s the Eighth Symphony,
and it’s backwards, too. Most puzzling." So the magistrate kept
listening; "There’s the Seventh… the Sixth… the Fifth…"

Suddenly the realization of what was happening dawned on the
magistrate; he stood up and announced to the crowd that had gathered in
the cemetery, "My fellow citizens, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s
just Beethoven decomposing."

Author Unknown

I am going to be exploring aging in my next few blogs. 

So, see ya tomorrow for this one issue that none of us can procrastinate!  Actually, maybe we can!

Have a groovy day!

Okie Dokie fabulous readers…hope you had a fab weekend!  I did!  I am feeling a bit droopy right now though…went out for margaritas and blogging just ain’t feeling the same as it usually does:)

This weeks cards were picked from the The Housewives Tarot: A Domestic Divination Kit with Deck and Instruction Book.

For this week three cards came flying out of the deck. This can be interpreted as:
"past, present and future"
or as
"What you have just completed, what you are sitting in… in the present, and what you are moving towards"
…whatever your little heart desires:)

So…without further ado~

Challenges * Trials * Upcoming Ordeals

"Getting right to the point, the Ace of Swords warns of an upcoming ordeal that will test your "metal." A slice of gumption with a dollop of common sense will get you through whatever trial comes your way.  Your mind is sharp and ready for a challenge, so don’t be afraid to take on those who try to cut you out of the picture."

Now for the present:)

Competition * Struggle * Inner Strength

"Growth and progress five way to inevitable conflict.  The Five of Wands depicts a weary housewife besieged by household appliances.  These domestic assailants seek to overwhelm her just when things were going her way.  You may need to reach deep inside yourself to discover what it is that makes you stand out.  Which secret weapon will leave your competition in the dust."

And now for the energy that is moving in…

Retreat * Revitalize * Reinvent

"Times have been rough.  Your outlook is wrinkled and your spirit is sagging.  The Four of Swords is a sign that it’s time to retreat and reinvent yourself before you are fit to be seen in public again.  try ex foliating your frown, moisturizing your morale, and rejuvenation with some relaxation.  Give your attitude and overall face-lift.  With proper pampering, you’ll emerge revitalized–friends will be dazzled by the "new you."

Yikes!  Lots of cards with sharp pointy edges…lots of swords and a wand!  Hmmmmmm~ 

Well, I have my own personal interpretation of what this means to me…

Howz about you?

Feel like sharing?

I am not in the mood….I think two margaritas is too much for me these days…I have become a lightweight!  So, I think that it is time to go watch "Desperate Housewives" and see who is sleeping with whom…and who else might be down in someones freezer…or who’s body might be in someone’s trunk!

Bye for now….

Yesterday, I blogged about procrastination and the limiting beliefs that are behind much of these sorts of behaviors.

There are other possibilities as well!

Sometimes folks procrastinate because there is some sort of inner wisdom saying:

"Don’t do that yet!" 
"The timing is not quite optimal…hold up a sec!"
"There is something better around the corner…wait to take action!"

And if you are someone who is….cough…thick headed (like me!) instead of hearing inner wisdom you hear a distorted voice–I will call this my inner rat fink– that is talking louder then the voice of wisdom:

"You are so lazy…just get up and finish this!"
"Your procrastinating again…and your a life coach…you shouldn’t be doin’ that!"
"You are making excuses why you shouldn’t be doin’ this….wisdom….ya, right!"

Now, much of the time I can hear the difference between my inner wisdom and my inner rat fink!  But, if there is a charge in there…a limiting belief of what is possible for me….forget about it!  I can’t hear the wisdom if it walked up to me and yelled in my face!

I will give you an example of something that happened to me recently.

My fella and I pay a zillion dollars for our crappy health insurance.  We are both self employed so this has become quite a huge financial drain for us.  We have been looking at changing companies…finding one that is less expensive and maybe even offers some coverage.  Well, we were thinkin about putting me on my fellas plan.  That would save us a little money. 

I got the paper work…and put the enormous packet on the kitchen table.  I don’t like paperwork on the kitchen table…so, I thought that this would help "inspire" me to fill it out.  Well, a few weeks went by and some how that paperwork was a magnet for other papers…mainly mail that I was not into looking at.  Catalogs…magazines…a million offers for credit cards.  After about a month of this weird sort of paper magnet creating havoc on the kitchen table, I decided to go through and sort everything.

Oops!   I had forgotten about the packet.  So, I put it somewhere else.  I told myself that I would do it on Saturday.  Of course, Saturday came and went and I remembered that I had told myself that I would fill out the forms…I had absolutely no inspiration to do this.

At this point, my inner rat fink came out and started fussin’ at me.  Blah Blah Blah!!!!

Well, to end this rather long story…about a week ago, I saw a commercial on TV advertising a health insurance company.  I felt inspired to look it up on line.  Liked what I saw.  My fella called the next day…we did everything over the phone!  We were approved yesterday and now we will be saving more money then we would have if I had stayed with my fellas company. 

Now, as far as I am concerned, this "procrastination" was my inner wisdom telling me to hold up…there is something better right around the corner!  Too bad I waisted a couple of weeks beating myself up for procrastinating!

So, how about you?

Ever put something off and later found out that this was inner guidance?

Ever put something off to later find out that something even better came along?

How about putting something off that you later found out would have been a big problem if you had followed through?

Something to think about!
Sometimes procrastination is the voice of wisdom.  And instead of beating ourselves up…we could be sitting in trust and gratitude of this brilliant inner voice…instead of listening to our inner rat fink!

Have an inspired day!


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