Archive for October, 2008

Happy Halloween everyone!!!!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays.  I love anything that has something to do with witches, goblins and ghosts.  And then to add the Day of the Dead on November 1st and 2nd….so much fun!!!!!  Anything that uses skeletons for decorations…count me in.

My fella and I love skeletons so much that a few years ago we bought a Stanley Mouse painting of a skeleton draped in roses. (more…)

Hi you fabulous readers you!!!!

What a difference a day makes!  I am feeling way better this morning.  I feel back to my perky old self~ with just a smidge of an edge!

So what has changed my state of being?  Anything happen between yesterday and today?

Well, not really…but, I had a dream …

I was visited last night by a bunch of dead people…a little Halloween humor I suppose~  Anyway, the group of dead folks visit me once in a while when I am in a particularly stressed out place in my life.  Last night I was hangin’ out in a dreamscape, hangin’ out by a big ol’ tree (I think it was an oak tree…though the bark was very comfy to lean against…you know how dreams go). (more…)

I am happy to share that even though we might be facing financial disaster, I have been meeting some very very very kind people along this journey.  Yesterday, I called the hospital billing folks to tell them that our insurance has “declined” to pay for the surgery that they had “pre approved” back in April.  Not only had they declined to pay, they have decided to drop me as a customer.  Well, they beat me to the punch.

I told my fella: “No way!  They can’t break up with me first!  I was going to break up with them first!!!!”

I must admit that I have never had an insurance company break up with me…so, my ego is a wee bit injured.

So, back to the story at hand.  I called the billing babe and she was so kind to me.  I told her what was going on.  She sympathized with our story (more…)

Hi everyone~

I know that it has been awhile since I have posted anything here.  I have been writing a variety of posts…and then deleting them.  The delete button is my new favorite key.  I just can’t seem to get enough of it.  Last week, I spent two hours writing about how god created the pyramid scheme…and then felt like the two posts were way too edgy…so I deleted them.  The week before that, it was a tirade on how fucked up and creepy Sarah Palin is, how happy I am for SNL….and then deleted those posts too.  I decided they were way to opiniated.  Then there were the posts discussing this economic situation this country is in….and those posts just seemed cynical.  So…I deleted them.

I try to write about topics that explore this thing called “being alive”…using some humor and lots of irreverence.  And because I have such a variety of folks reading this blog, I try to write from an open minded perspective…in a way that supports a variety of world views.  Hence….my new favorite key…the DELETE button.

I am sorry to say that right now… (more…)

Happy October!

I love this time of year.  Something wakes up within me.  I want to write more, do creative projects…go for walks…I want to sit in coffee shops with friends and talk about this, that and the other thing.  I love how the air feels.  I love the yellows, golds and reds that show up on the trees.

As I sit here in my office, I look out towards the lake and I can hear a bunch of geese chatting about all sorts of stuff.  Soon they will come flying over our house to visit friends that they haven’t seen since last year. On the corner of the roof, I am watching two squirrels cleaning themselves and having a snack…soon they will scamper away to go play in the trees.

As I witness all of this activity and play in the world outside my window, for a moment, I feel peace.  All is well.


my fella comes in and asks me if I am going to call the insurance company this week.

“NO” I say…with a bit of an edge to my voice.  “I figured I would call them on Monday.”

You see, since my surgery (which was in April) (more…)


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