Archive for 'Humor…just cuz its fun!!!'

So, yesterday I went out with my fabulous friend Christine to talk about our radio show.  We are planning to do a radio show together beginning in January (I will share more details as the date draws near:)).  Anyway, we were sitting there brain storming all sorts of cool topics to explore on the show when all of a sudden Christine says:

Christine: “Hey Lynne.  You know you can’t say fuck on the radio.”

Me:  “Did I just say fuck?”

Christine: “Yep, you did!”

Me “Oh shit…that’s really bad…and I didn’t even know that I had said it.”

Okay.  So for those of you who know me personally, (more…)

Okay…so the end of the world is near and none of us are going to heaven with any toys…or houses…or health care.  And this presidential race is scaring the hell out of me…and my health insurance may not pay for my surgery.  Which means…we may have to file for bankruptcy.  But besides all that….something very strange is happening.

No one else can see this.

But I can.

Wanna me tell ya?

Ya sure?

Here it goes.

Since my surgery (yes, the one that might put us in financial ruins!), I have noticed (more…)

I received this from a good friend this morning…thought I would pass it on!

Thanks Sheryl!



1.  No matter how hard you try, you can’t baptize cats.

2.  When your mom is mad at your dad, don’t let her brush your hair. (more…)

I hadn’t had a chance to see this until this morning. Thanks to my fabulous friend Alix, it was hangin out in my inbox~

For your viewing pleasure…click on the link below:

and one more goody…

Thanks Christine~

Humor helps!

Welcome New Readers!

I have attracted hundreds of new readers over the last couple of months, since I moved my blog to WordPress.  Wow…this move has been amazing!

The thing is though…most of these new readers seem to be SPAM.  Some of the names are obvious like: Frank Srinkle…who wants to tell me about breast implants.  Then there is Anthony Fri98**@ who seems to want me to have my penis enlarged.  Oh, and I can’t forget Sally Smith who wants to tell me all about the scandel with Brittany.

Some of the names are not so obvious….I see in my email that there is a comment from some one new…and I get all excited.  Click on the name: Rose Trindel or Sam Samuelson or Sara Frugson…and then…darn it!  It’s SPAM again.  They don’t really want to comment on my blogIn fact, my guess is they really never even read the post!

Over the last couple of weeks, (more…)

Okay…so today…I got nothin’! I tried to write something about "good and evil" and I just couldn’t get anywhere with it. Maybe tomorrow:)

But, there is always room for a fun light hearted post.

So, I have decided to steal more jokes from the Gary Craig’s Newsletter:

Here ya go… (more…)


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