Archive for 'Looking For Some Freedom!'

Happy Spring!According to the calendar, Spring has already started. But, since moving to Colorado….it seems like Spring doesn’t really start until the lilacs come into bloom. Sure the crocus, daffodils, and hyacinth have already graced us with their beautiful blooms…but, for me, there is something about lilacs.
I am a “more the merrier” kind of babe. I don’t just plant one clump of bulbs… (more…)

Hello there!

I hope you had a lovely weekend. We had a gorgeous day here. Sunny, warm, a slight breeze…birds a singin’…bunnies a hoppin’…people a rompin’!

As spring stirs the air, my thoughts go towards clearing clutter. Cleaning out drawers, closets (except the scary one in my office), and the garage. Anything that we no longer use or need is brought in front of the tribunal (my fella) for approval. He is a pack rat, and since (more…)

Hello there~

It is a gorgeous day here in Colorado. I know that there have been big storms around the country (US) and I hope this post finds you all safe and sound~

Today, I want to chat about the last show of “I Can Make You Thin.” Paul Mckenna focused on releasing cravings. This is a great next step when loosing weight.

There is a difference between (more…)

Hi there!
I was going to blog on more body issue stuff but, my fabulous friend Christine sent me this video to watch and I had to share it with you.

This woman is absolutely brilliant and an amazing story teller. I was moved, I laughed and I cried. Stunning~

Let me know what your response is:~)

Here is Jill Bolte Taylor: My Stroke of Insight

*This video is about 18 minutes long…take the time to watch the whole thing…it will be worth it!

Have an expansive day!


Greetings fabulous readers!

I have been recently pondering about how lax I have become concerning my wardrobe.  I had a friend call and she wanted to stop by for a visit. I looked down at myself and realized that I was still in my jammies.  I would love to say that it was still morning…well technically, it was.  She called around 11:53am. 

So, I put on a pair of pants and a tee shirt and realized that I hadn’t put on a bra.  Bras are just so uncomfortable…and because I have not been endowed with a hunkin’ rack I don’t see why I need to bother.  I mean, I barely fill out a sports bra. 

Sorry to disappoint you fellas!

When I say that I am shaped like a pole….I am not kiddin’! 

Anyway, back to my wardrobe issues. 

Since I began working from home about 5 years ago…I have noticed a steady decline in my fashion sense.  In the beginning, I would wake up, shower and dress in nice clothes.  This would help to get me in "the working mindset."  I kept this up for a while.  Then I started to wear more casual things…like sweats and flannel shirts.  If it was warm weather…I would throw on an old skirt and an old tee shirt.  I fell in love with being a frump-a-dump!

Things really went down hill once my boys moved out.  When that happened, I stopped wearing a bra when I was home working.  I mean…who cares right?  My fella thinks I look cute…even in flannel and sweats… and I am working with folks over the phone.

Recently, things have hit an all time low.  I am not even getting dressed until the afternoon.  I wake up, get coffee, work with clients, blog…have some breakfast…before I know it…it’s lunch time and I am still in my jammies.  Just to give you a visual of this;  My jammies consist of old tee shirts and a pair of my fellas flannel jammie bottoms…red plaid jammie bottoms.  I bought some new jammies recently, thinking this would at least expand my wardrobe a bit…but, I haven’t worn them yet.  I just love these red plaid flannel pants that are huge on me!!!!  They make my fannie look like it is down to my knees.

Such a lovely sight!

Well, I  have decided that this has gotta change.  I mean I am a professional!  Shouldn’t I be lookin’ like one?  For me, at this point, lookin’ professional means wearing pants, a bra and a tee shirt.  I know…I know…I am reaching for the stars!!!

The other thing is that I am starting to do a radio show and I HAVE to get dressed before I go to the station.  I can’t wear my jammies and I HAVE to look at least like I partially have my self together.  I am also looking into getting a webcam to use with clients who want to see me while we talk.  Which means…I have to brush my hair, wear a bra…and a decent shirt.  But, I could still wear my jammie pants…no one would know! 

I think I have a problem!!!!!

I need to do some "goal setting 101." 

So, with you as my witness…my goal…starting tomorrow (because why start today what I can put off until tomorrow?)…I am going to change my routine.
I am going to wake up early (that will be easy because I already do that!), have some coffee (cuz, why bother getting up unless I can have some coffee) and then shower.  From there I think that it will be easy to put on fancy clothes…meaning pants, and a tee shirt…oh, and a bra.  Faaaaannnnnccccyyyyyy!!!!! 

Since I only have 2 pairs of pants…it will be easy to choose a pair…and since I only have a couple tye died tee shirts, an old Grateful Dead shirt and a couple "Life is good" tees….these decisions will be pretty straight forward.

If I want to be super fancy, maybe I will put on a real shirt.  Who knows!  The world is my oyster!!!!!!

This is gonna be fun.  Maybe I will start today.  I think that I will start right now!!!!
Yay me!!!!

Off I go to fancy pants land!

Hope you have a fancy pants day!

Hello Hello Hello!
Anyone out there?
Anyone reading this?

I haven’t visited many blogs lately so I decided to have my cup o’ coffee with some of my favorites.  Some were good…some were really…really good!  Many of the posts had a gazillion comments!  How come I don’t get a gazillion comments? 

I decided to look back on posts that got a bunch of comments. 
By "bunch of comments" I mean 10!  And that only happened with one post!

Now, I am not fussin’ at you… I am more curious about what inspires you to comment.  As I did my scientific research this morning, I found that the funny blogs are the ones that get the most comments.  Not the ones on self exploration.

Why is that?

Then I spent some time thinking about what inspires me to comment on other blogs. 

I like when the topic is something that I can relate too.  I also love hilarious posts and comment frequently on those.  When a blog post is concerning a more self exploratory perspective, I may not comment because I want to think about what the person said.  Then, I forget to post something.  When I do remember and go back to the post, the writer has moved on to other cool topics and I move on with them….forgetting once again to comment on the prior post that I had been thinking about.

As I sit here pondering this, I realize that I have no clue what inspires you to comment or not to comment.  My research this morning is faulty at best!  It concludes nothing!

But, what I know is that I enjoy writing about the humorous things we humans do…in the day to day and I also love writing posts that explore the deeper places within us all.

I also am aware that when I receive comments, I have much more fun.  I feel like someone is out there actually reading this….and I also love conversation.  I love when someone can personally relate to something I wrote…or gets a good laugh over something I wrote.  That just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

So, what is my point in writing all of this? 

As I sit here with this, I realize that much of my life is spent in doing things that have no direct feedback.  I don’t know if what I say or do has any impact.  But, having said this, part of me is more interested in the act of the contribution.  This part of me connects with the inspiration and that inspiration gets sent out into the world. 

I used to run a counseling program in a high school.  Talk about not getting much feedback, especially from the administration.  But, the kids kept coming back…which is feedback in itself.  Once in awhile one of these kids contacts me.  I LOVE this.  They tell me about things that I said to them that really had an impact.  I LOVE this too.  I get the opportunity to tell them how much THEY impacted my life!  It is very cool.

Have you ever been out and about and someone smiles at you and it just makes your day?  Well, that person had a direct impact on your moment…they don’t even know it. 

When I began writing this post….I had no idea that I was going to land here.  I just thought that I was exploring comments…but, really I am recognizing how much we all are impacted by each other…whether we are conscious of it or not.

A smile goes a long way.
SO does a funny blog post.
So does a blog post of self exploration.

So dear readers, whether you comment or not, I sense you there. I hope that what I write inspires you and sometimes makes you laugh. 

Give someone you don’t know a big grin:)
Have a lovely day!


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